Modding by own hands

The word "modding" is borrowed from the English language and comes from the verb "to modify". In a broad sense, modding is a modification of any thing. For example, in the West, a person involved in car tuning can be called a modder. At us modders traditionally name only people who modify computers.
Most often, the object of modding is the computer case itself. In it holes are cut (including withilluminated), pasted it with special stickers or painted using airbrushing. You can remake the factory building or create a new case from scratch (the so-called custom case). Modding of the periphery is a modification of all other parts of the computer (mouse, keyboard, power supply, speakers, modem or router, coolers). Modding Mobile Devices called mobbing.
Why is modding needed? Someone uses modding with their own hands to improve the functionality of the computer, installing additional fans or evenwater cooling system. Due to this modding the computer is quieter and does not overheat. Some "overclock" the computer parts to improve performance. For such an extreme technical modding you need knowledge in electronics, so as a result not to remain at all without a computer.
For beginners more available modding with their own hands, which simply changes the appearance of the computer. These are modifications of the hull and periphery, of whichalready mentioned above - cutting windows, stickers, painting, installing additional LEDs. Often, modding, performed by newcomers, is also called ghetto-modding because of its negligence and poor quality. Although sometimes this effect is achieved intentionally.
However, with due diligence,learn how to create real design objects that perfectly fit into any interior. For such a modding is needed not just a great desire and direct hands, but also an artistic taste. Here you can refer popular in recent times modding in stypank style, when things are stylized under the Victorian era of England.
TO basic styles of modding You can include engraving, aerography, pyrography, rounding and some others. Engraving can be hand-made and laser, the image can be applied to plexiglas or aluminum. Engraving on plexiglass is often additionally illuminated by LEDs. Aerography - is the application of paint with the help of an airbrush(a special pneumatic tool), often with a specially made stencil. Sometimes they use fluorescent dyes that glow in the dark. Pyrography - it's burning, it's done on a tree (if you, say, decided to put your computer in a wooden case).
Rounding name the decoration of wires with the help of tubesand a variety of braids, less often - electrical tape. Often when modding with their own hands at the same time with the rounding decorate the connectors from the power unit using LEDs or painting. Also modding with their own hands often includes noise isolation and installation of original decorative grilles for fans.
Naturally, types and styles of modding in pure form are extremely rare. Modders usually combine different techniques and techniques to get a completely unique and original product.
What do you need for modding yourself? First of all, at least basic skills of workwith various tools and materials, as well as knowledge of the computer components, otherwise it is likely that you will damage the computer case or anything from the periphery. Also do not interfere with artistic taste and basic design skills - in fact most often modding is done so that the computer fits into the interior of the room and pleases the owner's eye. And, of course, you can not do without tools: protective goggles, dremel, drill, electric jigsaw,Measuring tools, screwdrivers, cutting tools, etc. The set of tools depends on what kind of technique you are going to use to implement your idea.
Some components for modding can be boughtin computer stores, something - to order on the Internet, and some decor elements can be found in the most unexpected places - for example, on mezzanines, in a barn or in a garage.
Modding by one's own hands is quite realistic. If you try and apply a little imagination, you will become the owner of absolutely original computer.

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Most often, the object of modding is the computer case itself. In it holes are cut (including withilluminated), pasted it with special stickers or painted using airbrushing. You can remake the factory building or create a new case from scratch (the so-called custom case). Modding of the periphery is a modification of all other parts of the computer (mouse, keyboard, power supply, speakers, modem or router, coolers). Modding Mobile Devices called mobbing.
Why is modding needed? Someone uses modding with their own hands to improve the functionality of the computer, installing additional fans or evenwater cooling system. Due to this modding the computer is quieter and does not overheat. Some "overclock" the computer parts to improve performance. For such an extreme technical modding you need knowledge in electronics, so as a result not to remain at all without a computer.
For beginners more available modding with their own hands, which simply changes the appearance of the computer. These are modifications of the hull and periphery, of whichalready mentioned above - cutting windows, stickers, painting, installing additional LEDs. Often, modding, performed by newcomers, is also called ghetto-modding because of its negligence and poor quality. Although sometimes this effect is achieved intentionally.
However, with due diligence,learn how to create real design objects that perfectly fit into any interior. For such a modding is needed not just a great desire and direct hands, but also an artistic taste. Here you can refer popular in recent times modding in stypank style, when things are stylized under the Victorian era of England.
TO basic styles of modding You can include engraving, aerography, pyrography, rounding and some others. Engraving can be hand-made and laser, the image can be applied to plexiglas or aluminum. Engraving on plexiglass is often additionally illuminated by LEDs. Aerography - is the application of paint with the help of an airbrush(a special pneumatic tool), often with a specially made stencil. Sometimes they use fluorescent dyes that glow in the dark. Pyrography - it's burning, it's done on a tree (if you, say, decided to put your computer in a wooden case).
Rounding name the decoration of wires with the help of tubesand a variety of braids, less often - electrical tape. Often when modding with their own hands at the same time with the rounding decorate the connectors from the power unit using LEDs or painting. Also modding with their own hands often includes noise isolation and installation of original decorative grilles for fans.
Naturally, types and styles of modding in pure form are extremely rare. Modders usually combine different techniques and techniques to get a completely unique and original product.
What do you need for modding yourself? First of all, at least basic skills of workwith various tools and materials, as well as knowledge of the computer components, otherwise it is likely that you will damage the computer case or anything from the periphery. Also do not interfere with artistic taste and basic design skills - in fact most often modding is done so that the computer fits into the interior of the room and pleases the owner's eye. And, of course, you can not do without tools: protective goggles, dremel, drill, electric jigsaw,Measuring tools, screwdrivers, cutting tools, etc. The set of tools depends on what kind of technique you are going to use to implement your idea.
Some components for modding can be boughtin computer stores, something - to order on the Internet, and some decor elements can be found in the most unexpected places - for example, on mezzanines, in a barn or in a garage.
Modding by one's own hands is quite realistic. If you try and apply a little imagination, you will become the owner of absolutely original computer.

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