Ardisia: care and photoParadise, or Coral sapling, as well asChristmas berry - here are a few titles that refer to the same flower. The greatest popularity of ardisia, care of which is simple and easy, was due to the fact that just on Christmas Eve, wonderful bright berries with a diameter of about 10 mm ripen on it.

The most famous species

  1. Ardisia of the crenate is an evergreen plant, the height can reach 70 cm. The leaves are dark green, glossy, like an oval, about 6 cm long.

    Another name for the species is a town. Blooms in early summer. Drop-in broom can be white, crimson or red. But the most decorative indoor flower becomes, when the berries are painted in orange-blood color. The fruits last very long, until the time when new buds appear.

  2. Ardisia curly - slowly growing evergreentree. Skinny, dark green leaves have wavy edges. The inflorescence has the form of a broom, the corollas are like small asterisks of white-cream color. They give off a pleasant aroma. Blossoms for several months.

About December there are bunches of bright red berries.

How to care for ardisia

Ardisia - the most famous speciesGrow ardisia at home on the lungsground, consisting of humus, turf and sand. Although the tree prefers a bright light, it must be protected from direct rays. The most suitable are the windows on the east side.

Water the plant regularly. The substrate must be moist at all times. And to prevent the appearance of spider mites, the flower should be sprayed every day.

In order for you to grow a beautiful beauty care andmaintenance at home should be carried out at the following temperatures: + 18 + 25 ° C in a warm time and + 15 ° C in a cold. In this mode, flower buds are formed.

Transplant this indoor flower only inthe time when the roots are entangled in an earth clod. If you want, you can update the top layer every six months. For a plentiful flowering and fruit bearing ardisia, a close pot is needed.

The transplant should be carried out carefully, so as not to destroy the earth lump and not damage the roots.

Fertilizers are introduced from spring to late autumn.

During flowering, you must not allow the substrate to be dry. This can provoke the fall of the buds. Harmful also for this houseplant and drafts.

To get to the new year a bunch of red berries, you have to work a little. To form the ovary, it is necessary to pollinate all the inflorescences with a soft brush.

The berries of ardisia are completely inedible, but they can not be poisoned.

Some growers take blisters thatare at the edges of the leaves, for the disease. They try to process them with something and even cut them off. This can not be done, because bacteria live there that help the plant to keep nitrogen in the tissues.

Ardysia: yellow leaves

Very often the owners of this evergreen treeface the problem of yellowing of the leaves. It is necessary to thoroughly examine the plant, perhaps on the leaves or trunk there are growths, most often they appear from the dryness of the air and can destroy the plant. Yellow sheets appear mainly for reasons of dry air, lack of nutrients, lack of lighting. Make sure that you have created all the necessary conditions for its normal growth.How to care for ardisia

Ardysia: reproduction

These evergreen bushes reproduce in two ways: seeds and cuttings.

  1. Cultivation from seeds. If you want to use the first method, you need to take already mature berries, or rather, their bones and put them in a pot. Experts recommend that you first work with the bones to accelerate the process of germination, namely, a little nadpilit and soak them in a special solution.

    Bury the seeds need to be shallow in advancemoistened substrate. In order for the plant to feel well and safely sprouted, it is necessary to cover it with a film or glass, which will allow the soil to maintain room temperature.

    When the seedlings grow up they can be transplanted intoIndividual pots or containers with ordinary earth for indoor plants. But it will take a long time to wait, when ordinary seedlings will turn into beautiful, colorful bushes.

  2. Reproduction by stem stems. The second method of reproduction is not less long. For cuttings, the upper part of the shoot should be planted in a pot at a temperature above room temperature - 24-28 ° C. Escape should be in a well-lit place. And though cuttings of ardisia well branch and do not need a pinch, they take root very long and reluctantly.

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