When to plant seedlings in the open ground?
When to plant strawberry seedlings in the open ground

The burning question for beginners: "When to plant seedlings in the open ground?". Untimely landing can ruin all works. There is no single deadline, only the state of plants, own experience and weather conditions are to be guided. Here are a few other factors that you should pay attention to:

  • place to be planted: soil or greenhouse

  • earth temperature (for open ground)

  • weather

  • plant requirements for temperature (thermophilic or frost-resistant)

  • age of seedlings

  • terms of flowering and fruiting

  • lunar calendar and people's signs (for many irrelevant, but more often the age-old observations of the people work)

When to plant seedlings in the open ground?
When to plant strawberries in the open ground

We will tell you about the terms of disembarkation of the most popular garden crops.

In which months and days to plant the seedlings in the open ground


The timing of the planting of tomatoes into the ground depends on the variety and climate. Obligatory conditions: temperature not lower than 12 °, developed seedlings (height 23-25 ​​cm, 2-3 leaflets)
When you can plant tomatoes in the open ground

In the central strip of Russia, early varieties of tomatoes can be transferred to the ground from May 1 to May 15, and mid-ripening - from June 1 to June 10. First time seedlings should be covered with a film.


Cucumbers are not too frost-resistant, soThe ideal soil temperature for transplanting should be 20 °. In the greenhouse the plants can be transported at the end of April or early May, in the first half of May - in the ground under the film, in early June - in the land without shelter. Please note that the seedlings must be at least 20-25 days old.

When to plant seedlings in the open ground?


The planting dates for cabbage seedlings depend onof your choice. Thus, early white varieties can be transferred to the soil from April 25 to May 5, provided that the warm weather is established. The middle-ripened sit down from May 20 to May 31, and the late-ripening ones from May 10 to May 20. The age of plants should be at least 30 days.


Seedling of pepper rises quite hard. That the plant has got accustomed in an open ground, from the moment of seeding of seeds should pass not less than 65-75 days. Germs should be strong and have about 10 leaves. Optimum air temperature - 15-17 °, and soil - 12 °. The end of May is the optimal time for transplanting pepper seedlings into greenhouses, and early June - into open land.


Seedling onions are not too whimsical to weatherconditions. At the time of disembarkation, it must be at least 60 days, the sprouts can be transferred to the soil in the middle of May, the main thing is that the temperature does not drop below 10 °.


If you have grown potato seedlings, then it can be transplanted at the end of April - mid-May. The main thing is that the sprouts are strong, and the temperature is stable warm.

Squash, eggplant, pumpkin

Eggplants - plants are thermophilic, sotransfer them better to start in the greenhouse. This is done in the second half of May, and from the moment of sowing the seeds must pass at least 50 days. Zucchini and pumpkin are more adapted to severe weather conditions, therefore monthly transplants can be transplanted already in the beginning of May.

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