Seedlings of strawberries and strawberries

Modern achievements of the agro-industry allowgrow strawberries and strawberries from seeds. Today we will tell you how to grow seedlings of strawberries and strawberries, when to plant it and what result can be expected. A detailed video will be an indispensable tool for you:

Seed selection

Since not every kind of strawberry and strawberry canmultiply by seeds and retain all the available positive properties, carefully consider the choice of seeding material. Pay attention to such varieties of patchwork strawberries as Solemacher, Ali-Baba, Alpine. Berries will be small, but they grow even in winter and at home.

Incredibly popular today are large-berry varieties: Maestro, Honeymoon, Mond Everest, Seascape.

The main thing when choosing seeds is the shelf life. Usually it is 2 years, but if the storage conditions are violated, it can be reduced.

Seedlings of strawberries and strawberries

Soil preparation for seedlings

For seeding, it is better to use a soil mixtureand compost land. As an additional fertilizer can become ash from charcoal. Do not forget to get rid of harmful microorganisms that can occur even in purchased soils. The earth can be calcined in the oven at a temperature of 200-300 ° or in a microwave, steam, sip boiling water.

Many gardeners use special peat pills, which soak and increase in volume.

Now it's worth taking care of the containers for disembarkation. They can be cardboard, lined with polyethylene, or plastic containers (in the latter, the fungus develops less often). Do not forget to carefully work the internal surfaces with a solution of potassium permanganate. In the bottom, make a hole to drain excess moisture. If you use the soil, then tightly fill them with pots and let stand for several days.

Seedlings of strawberries and strawberries

We prepare seeds and sow strawberries and strawberries for seedlings

Before you plant seeds in the ground, they should be soaked in water or a growth stimulant (humoral solution) for several days. Usually the seedlings are sown in the middle of January-February.

There comes the most crucial moment: we sow seedlings. Swollen seeds are placed in small grooves, the distance between which is from 2 to 5 cm. After that we wrap the boxes with film and put them in a warm place. Periodically aired, so that the soil does not pereprevala. As soon as the cotyledons appear, the film can be removed, and the seedlings can be rearranged to a lighter place. After 3-4 days it is transferred to direct sunlight.

When third leaves appear on the sprouts,Strawberries should be transplanted into separate containers, not forgetting to pre-fertilize the soil with superphosphate. The next few days the seedlings need good watering and no direct sunlight.

Seedlings of strawberries and strawberries

It is always worth remembering that seedlings of strawberries andstrawberries grows poorly: only 30-40% of crops survive. More stable is the seedling "free", but it will have to be purchased in special stores or greenhouses.

Strawberry seedlings can be planted in spring, late May or at the end of August in September.

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