How to get rid of a wire beetle: folk remedies and preparations

No, of course, fight. On how to get rid of this pest, what effective folk and non-native means and preparations for this use - in our article.
The enemy must know in person
The wireworm is the name of the larva of the click beetle,given to her because of the appearance: a thin hard little pale pink body. Just like the beetle itself, larvae are extremely dangerous not only for potatoes, but also for other root crops. Somewhere in July, insects gnaw through the tubers long, twisting courses.
As a result, not only the appearance: The plant weakens, yields less crops, spreads various diseases and rot. If you do not fight a wire beetle, you can lose at least half of the entire potato crop.
How to deal with the beetle-bug in the garden

Methods of struggle can be divided into mechanical, chemical and mixed. The mechanical is, above all, regular digging of the soil. It is necessary to do this before the onset of cold weather, so that the insect that hibernates in the soil is on the surface and frozen.
The next method is manual wire cleaning. Getting rid of wheat grass and other weeds, and also qualitatively hitching the row spacing, you can cause the larvae serious damage. To chemical methods carry various kinds of spraying: ready isecticides, as well as self-made solutions. One of the most effective methods of struggle is the production of baits and traps (the so-called mixed method). It is worth discussing it in more detail.
Folk remedies for wireworms
Traps are a national means of production. In spring, potato tubers are laid in small holes, and the place is marked with a special flag. After a few days, the potato is excavated along with the wireworms, the insect is destroyed, and the bait is laid again.
Also as a bait, you can trysow potato beds with oats, corn or barley, and then dig out the crops along with the pests. It has long been noted that a wireworm can not live where legumes grow (peas, beans), so you should try planting these plants between potato beds.

Than to process a potato from a wireworm
If all of the above methods do not seem tosufficiently effective, then you can resort to the help of chemicals. First, try to reduce the acidity of the soil by adding ash, limestone or dolomite flour to it.
Larvae of the click beetle can not be normaldevelop in such an environment. Further, before planting potatoes, you can add a solution of potassium permanganate to the ground, or for five minutes put seeds into it for planting. Watering the shoots is infused with mother-and-stepmother, nettle, celandine, dandelion. Repeat the procedure must be done regularly.
If you have nothing against seed treatment with insecticides, then such drugs as "Bazudin" or "Zemlin", "Kapkan", "Dohloks", "Grom-2" are considered very effective.
Before planting potatoes in the holes, you canlay down appropriate preparations (for example, Green Balt), if necessary, add herbicides. There are many effective chemical products on the market, however, only natural means should be used if possible.
Author: Katerina Sergeenko