Garden Lighting

Garden lighting is a very important part of landscape design in general. With its help, you can completely transform the plot - buildings, garden paths, compositions from plants, many corners will look in a new way, if you install a flashlight, a searchlight or a lamp on them.
Correctly selected light will help to hide the problem areas of the garden and advantageously emphasize its strengths.
The lighting of the site is a special artin which it is necessary to take into account a lot of nuances.
Excess of light deprives the garden of mystery, and itslack - the opportunity to enjoy the results of landscape design and gardening. Also, insufficient lighting does not make it possible to easily navigate the site in the dark, but this is its direct task.
Lighting systems as decorating elements can be mounted in garden paths, pond, rock garden, rockeries, and can also be used advantageously in the design of recreation areas and decoration of the house.
Light on the site must be thought in advance, answering his question - at what time of daywill I be in the garden? It is necessary to decide how much the site will be filled with light, which plants require it and whether it is necessary to spend such a huge amount of electricity.
On each site you can create unique, memorable design of light.
Reception of use of illumination for large-sized,plants and small architectural forms makes it possible to emphasize the individuality of each illuminated object. With the help of lighting systems, the landscape in the dark gets a completely different, no less original look, than in the daytime. In addition, the play of light makes it possible to increase the visual space of the site.
General lighting - this is the first stage in this laborious matter, and after it one can begin to accentuate with light of individual landscape elements. Usually, lanterns are used for lightingpaths, for decorative purposes - to illuminate the silhouettes of large-sized bushes and bushes, individual plant compositions, front entrances, reservoirs, alpine hills, rockeries.
A convenient way to illuminate a site is to use searchlights. It can perform the function of lightingauxiliary areas, the entire perimeter of the site, as well as for short-term lighting, which allows you to illuminate the necessary territory for the time of entry or exit of vehicles.
Very effectively looks properly arranged water basin lighting. Thanks to the light, your pond, the fountain, the cascade,The stream may look quite different in the daytime and at night. Beautifully look lamps that are used in plant compositions on the banks of water bodies. In water, they create a stunning reflective effect, due to which the amount of light increases visually. "Revive" the pond can and floating lamps that illuminate the silhouettes of stones and plants, making them mysterious and interesting.
Landscaping their garden areas, the owners, as a rule, use a variety of lights.
For lighting tracks Both high and recessed lanterns are suitable. It all depends on what kind of effect you want to achieve - send a bright light to the tracks or simply designate them with built-in flashlights. Also for pedestrian areas it is not bad to use lamps, the light of which is directed strictly downwards.
With the help of lighting you can make it more interesting and your lawn.
If we direct the light on coarse-grained, which grow next to your green carpet, you can thus diversify the smooth surface of the lawn with an interesting graphics of shadows falling from the plants.
And you can create drawing from fixtures...
In general, there can be many options. The most important thing is to understand what exactly you want.

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Garden Lighting

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