Garden paths

The paths are the inalienable artistic and aesthetic elements of the landscape design of any site. Ground, grass, brick, tile, concrete - they all connect the most visited places in your garden.
On the tracks should be thought first of all, because of the way in which you will walk in the garden, depends on the layout of the remaining decorative elements.
With the help of paths you can divide the garden into some parts, and also bring to places that deserve special attention (ponds, flower beds, rock gardens, etc.) or lead to "recreation" points.
Number of tracks, as a rule, depends on the size of the garden and the number of decorative elements in it. But it is important not to overdo it: if there are too many, the garden will get a dissected, broken view.
It is important to think through track sizes. Their width should be sufficient for two people walking freely around.
Where do the paths lead? Some believe that the tracks shouldPave through the shortest distance between objects - a straight line. If you are an adherent of a strict style, then this is certainly an option for you. But, as a rule, for a garden plot this decision is not too suitable. It is much more interesting and convenient to lay the main closed path throughout the territory, and already from it to lead winding branches. The bends of the paths, the alternation of closed and open areas and some other techniques visually increase the space of the garden, allow you to admire the landscape from various points, open unexpected views of seemingly familiar places.
Tracking usually occurs in 3 stages.
Of course, the first is design. Here you, taking into account the general style, choose the shapes, the sizes of the routes of the tracks, etc.
At the second stage, the site is prepared. By preliminary marking, first remove the fertile soil and transfer it to a separate site for further use in the garden. Then remove the rest of the soil to the depth required for the base. The bottom of the resulting channel is well rammed and sprinkled with gravel or crushed stone, and on top with sand.
The third stage is the choice of materials. To date, there are a great many.
The paving of the paths is carried out with the help of brick(ordinary and clinker), special tiles, concrete slabs, pavers, sandstone, gravel, pebbles, wood and crushed bark, compacted earth. Here, you yourself choose, given the functionality of your tracks and the overall style of your site. But, in any case, the material for covering all tracks must be practical, durable and not requiring special care.
Sandy Coverage - the cheapest, not requiring special efforts, although it is very impractical.
Also inexpensive you will find the garden paths from slag, crushed stone, brick battle, but in quality they will still be inferior to other, more robust materials.
Garden paths with a coating of monolithic concrete practical and durable.
The same can be said and natural stone. Although due to the high cost of its use on the site is limited, but it is this material that gives the paths naturalness and natural beauty.
On the plots it is better to use slabs of irregular shape made of crushed stone, which can be of different size and shape.
Paving of paths and yards clay bricks and road clinker different types, shapes and sizes is usedcenturies and has a special popularity. This tradition is at least four thousand years old, and until now there are practically no restrictions on the use of such materials in the gardens of all styles and any landscape solutions.

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