How to make a cap of paper

In Soviet times, the cap of paper was widelya common headdress. He knew how to make not only children and adolescents, but also all adults. The pilots could be made from a newspaper or an ordinary sheet of paper very quickly. This headpiece helped to protect yourself from the sun or rain. Often such pilots were used in agricultural work and during the repair. With the help of photos and video in a few steps, you can make such a headdress made of paper without any difficulties.

Step-by-step instruction on how to make a pencil from paper

Paper self-made by the hand is done quite simply. The proposed step-by-step instruction will help in the manufacture of the product.

Step-by-step instruction for making a cap from a newspaper

How to make a cap of paper

This workshop is very simple. The pilot is based on any old newspaper. To make it, like a real military hat, it is suggested to paint the finished product with gouache, choosing the appropriate shade. This can be a khaki color or any green tone that is in the set of colors.

To produce a "soldier" cap, it will be necessary to prepare:

  • 1 sheet of newspaper;

  • 1 bottle of gouache;

  • 1 wide brush.

How to make a cap of paper

  1. To make a few steps of the cap from the newspaper, the selected sheet should be deployed on the table.How to make a cap of paper

  2. Vertically, the sheet folds in half.How to make a cap of paper

  3. The upper corner on the right side folds.How to make a cap of paper

  4. The same is done with the left corner of the newspaper.How to make a cap of paper

  5. Now the lower part of the paper blank is folded along the horizontal vector.How to make a cap of paper

  6. The resulting paper blank is flipped over.How to make a cap of paper

  7. Next, the figure will need to fold the right corner about 6 cm.How to make a cap of paper

  8. The same should be done with the left angle.How to make a cap of paper

  9. Then you need to fold the right angle of the future cap to the horizontal vector from below.How to make a cap of paper

  10. Then the same actions are performed with respect to the lower left corner of the obtained figure.How to make a cap of paper

  11. As in the photo, it is necessary to fold the bottom of the fragment from the paper along the horizontal line. As you can see, the scheme of action is very simple.How to make a cap of paper

  12. The blank from the newspaper sheet is turned over to the other side.How to make a cap of paper

  13. The construction of paper should be doubled.How to make a cap of paper

  14. Further, the resulting corner should be hidden in the formed "pocket" from the bottom twists-edges.How to make a cap of paper

  15. It remains only to paint the finished cap with gouache. It turns out the product, exactly like a real military hat.How to make a cap of paper

The main thing then - do not rush and wait for the fulland thorough drying of the finished product. Otherwise, it is possible to stain not only hands and hair, but also clothes, and gouache, produced by many modern manufacturers, often leaves stains that are practically not washed even with the help of high-quality bleaches.

Pilot in the technique of origami

How to make a cap of paper

The newspaper's pilot is an excellent protection from the heat andheat. To make such head-piece from paper is easy enough in origami technique. You can take a newspaper or a sheet of A4 paper. From a rectangle such a construction turns out to be pointed. A square cap will come out of the square with an even surface.

So, the pylon made of paper with your own hands develops quickly and easily.

  1. A suitable material is taken.How to make a cap of paper

  2. The sheet is folded in half.How to make a cap of paper

  3. As shown in the figure, you need to fold the corners of the workpiece. Twists should be made even, so that the cap of paper turned out accurate, and not a curve. If necessary, you can use the ruler.How to make a cap of paper

  4. Free bottom edges of the future cap are wrapped up. It must be done in turn: first, on one side, then on the other.How to make a cap of paperHow to make a cap of paper

  5. Obtained lapels should be lightly, but very confidently ironed to fix the result. This will make the edges more clear, even and neat.How to make a cap of paper

  6. It remains only to reveal the model and try it on.How to make a cap of paper

  7. If desired, protruding from the front and back of the corners of the paper from the pylons of paper or newspaper can be bent.How to make a cap of paper

As a result, you get such a nice pilot's cap, not worse than from the previous master class!

"Pioneer" cap

How to make a cap of paper

In Soviet times, they often did their own thingpaper pilots for various works. Especially often in this "outfit" it was possible to observe the pioneers. Hence the original name of the headdress. By the way, teenagers also wore such headdresses in school, but in a similar format they were sewn from fabric. A master class with a photo and diagram will allow to add such a thing yourself in just a few steps.

  1. Take a sheet of paper of a suitable size. On the vertical it needs to be rolled up and unfolded. Now the sheet bends along the horizontal line.How to make a cap of paper

  2. The edges of the structure must be folded from both sides to the inflection vector.How to make a cap of paper

  3. On each side of the product, from the top you need to turn the corners into the inner part of the cap. There they straightened out.How to make a cap of paper

  4. The resulting figure is bent several times, as in the picture. By the way, in more detail the process can be seen on the video offered below.How to make a cap of paper

  5. Both edges of the cap are wrapped. Then the structure is turned over.How to make a cap of paper

  6. The fragment is folded several times.How to make a cap of paper

  7. The paper cup is straightened out. At the top it needs to be slightly flattened.How to make a cap of paper

  8. That's all! Apparently, nothing particularly difficult to do was not necessary! But as a result, a wonderful cap made of paper with his own hands turned out, which can be done literally in any conditions: in nature, in the garden, at home, in the campaign.How to make a cap of paper

    At the same time, a simple scheme will not cause difficulties even for those who first make such a universal headgear, which was formerly worn by the pioneers of the entire USSR.

Video: how to make a self-made cap of a paper

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