Gifts for Valentine's Day: romantic candles

Decorative candles, soft light flickering insemi-darkness room - the best accompaniment for a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day. So why not make such romantic candles yourself? It's not at all difficult! Especially since gifts for Valentine's Day, made by themselves, are especially valuable.
Romantic candles on Valentine's Day can be made from the usual alreadyready candles or from a special candle mass. For decoration, almost any improvised material is suitable: wax colored pencils, beads, shells, pebbles, sequins, ribbons, laces, paper or even food products.
Gifts for Valentine's Day are designed to symbolize the love of those who give them. Therefore, a romantic candle can be made inkind of heart. To do this, you need to have a suitable shape: for example, it can be a metal or silicone baking dish. Also, you need a container for melting the candle.
If a finished candle mass is used, then it is in the required quantity heated on a water bath before melting. A conventional household candle is neededpre-chop (from the candle you need to remove the wick). If you want to get a red heart, then a wax crayon or any other dye of the right color (it's important to remember that watercolors, for example, do not work) should be added to the molten mass and then thoroughly mixed with a stick.
To one end of the wick is attached a small weight, and the second end is wound on a small stick or pencil. The wick fits in the center of the mold, in which the molten candle mass will be poured: a stick or pencil will help fix the wick in an upright position.
The molten mass is gently poured into the moldand left in a cool dry place until the candle is completely cured. At the same time, during the drying process, the mass will "settle" a little and it will be necessary to add a little more of the molten mass. Hardened candle can be removed from the mold, slightly cooling it in the freezer or, conversely, slightly warming the mold in hot water.
A ready candle-heart can already be a great gift for Valentine's Day, however, to give it an even more decorative look, you can tie a candle with a beautiful ribbon. Additional decorations for a candle as a giftfor Valentine's Day will be a variety of decorative elements: sequins, coffee beans, dry flowers should be sprinkled with the walls pre-oiled with a vegetable oil form, and then you can fill the mold with a molten mass for a candle.
If during the manufacture of a candle a lot of different colors are used, then you can get beautiful striped candles, as well as candles with "marble" divorces. Striped candles are made by pouring into a molda portion of the molten mass over the previous frozen layer, and the "marble" pattern is obtained by carefully mixing the molten masses of several colors.
Gifts for Valentine's Day in the form of romantic decorative candles can be aromatized with various essential oils - so the gift will not only be beautiful, but alsouseful. In addition, some essential oils have an exciting effect, so candles with such oils can not be better suited for a festive dinner "tet-a-tete."