Heart of Candy for Valentine's DaySweets - one of the traditional gifts for the Daylovers. But the usual box of sweets - it's pretty trite, this gift will not become something special. Why not show your imagination and do not do for your second half heart of sweets?

Bouquets and other compositions of sweets - a fairly popular gift. They can be purchased (including on the Internet), but if you want to show that a person you really appreciate, better make a heart of candy for yourself with your own hands. Let it not be as beautiful as that made by a professional, but it will immediately be seen that your gift is made from the bottom of the heart.

Very easy to do heart of sugar candies, with such an occupation even a child can cope. To make it, you will need wire, pliers, candy, ribbon in the color of candy, scotch, thread, scissors.

First, make carcass for the heart. To do this, you need to bend the wire in a circlewith the help of pliers. To fix the circle, fold the ends of the wire overlap and twist among themselves or wrap them with tape. Then give the circle a heart shape.

To the wire along the contour of the heart, attach it in onefrom the "tails" of caramel (for this you can use, for example, thread). When all the sweets are attached, gently wrap the wire between the candy ribbon to disguise it. From the same tape you can make a loop for hanging. Heart of sweets ready!

You can make a heart of sweets in a different way. It will also be done on a frame, but not on wire, but on cardboard. Draw on the piece of cardboard a model of the heart - a heart with a carved middle. The width of the heart-contour will depend on the length of the candy, which you plan to glue on it.

Cut out the heart and paste the sweets to it with a double-sided scotch. Take care that they are located closely, and the cardboard is not looked through. You can alternate sweets of different colors, the main thing is that they have one size. To the ready heart, tie a ribbon for hanging.

You can make the heart not with a cut out middle, but a solid, on a solid substrate. Then you will need to stick the candy inwrappers with "tails", and semicircular chocolate sweets in foil. They are just as closely adhered to each other, and on the adhesive tape they need to be planted on a flat part. If you are afraid that between the sweets will look through the cardboard, you must paint it in advance or paper it with colored paper of the right color.

There is another way to make a heart out of sweets. To begin with, you need to make blanks from the "truffle" type candies on a stick (on how to do this, you can read in our article "Flowers from sweets"). The number of blanks will depend on what size you plan to make your heart.

Then prepare basis for the heart. Take the box from the heart-shaped chocolates and cut out a foam or a floral sponge from the heart so large that it fits snugly into the box. This will be the basis for your heart from sweets.

From corrugated paper, cut out a slightly larger heart and put it in a box, and then place it on top of the base piece of foam. The heart should look like a frame of corrugated paper.

Flowers from chocolates on sticks gently stick into the base. The space between them can be filled with colorsof fabric, ribbons or corrugated paper or any other decorative elements to your liking. You can even add a few fresh flowers to the composition.

As you can see, making a heart from sweets is not so difficult: you just need to make a suitable base in the form of a heart, attach sweets to it, and then decorate your heart the way fantasy dictates. Do not be afraid to experiment, and then your gift will surely be remembered for a long time!

In addition to the heart of sweets, you can give a heart of balloons, a heart of roses or a heart of beads for Valentine's Day. Such original gifts for Valentine's Day will suit everyone.

Heart of Candy for Valentine's Day
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