Christmas tree of sweets

Of course, a Christmas tree of sweets - not exclusivelychild's gift. It can be presented to anyone, brought to the New Year's corporate or put in the center of the festive table on New Year's tea. A universal thing! To make such a Christmas tree you will need:
sweets in wrappers;
thin cardboard or thick green paper;
a stapler;
foil and scissors or a bow.
The basis of the Christmas tree of sweets is a cone made of cardboard or heavy paper. For the "classic" Christmas tree, it must begreen, but you can make, for example, a golden or silvery tree. Of course, the very foundation will not be too clearly visible, but, still less, it will still look through the candy. If the paper / cardboard is available only in white, then you can then cover the substrate with a thin colored paper or paint with colors.
So, cut out from the cardboard a semicircle or a quartercircle, roll with a cone and fasten with glue, stapler or tape. If necessary, trim the cone at the bottom so that it is more stable. Now you can start to glue on the base of the candy. You can make a single-colored herringbone by sticking candies of one kind on it, or you can have a variegated one, then for each tier you need to use a different sort of candy. One-color version looks more stylish, colorful - more festive. If a Christmas tree is made of candy for a child, it is better to use different sweets, so that he tastes just a little.
Sweets are glued in rows around the base, from the bottom up. At the bottom you need to paste the biggest candy, the higher - the less can be candy. Each next row should slightly overlap the previous one, it's best to glue the candies in checkerboard order. You can glue them in two ways. Some glue on scotch tape. The plus of this method is that the candy can beit will be easy to remove from the tree without damaging the base. The downside is that candies are weak, and some wrappers in general are almost unrealistic to glue on scotch.
There is another option - you can attach a rectangle of paper of the same color as the stem to the tail of the candy with a stapler, and already for this piece of paper to stick candy to the tree. In this case, the sweets that you want to eat, you do not need to remove from the tree, and carefully take out of the wrapper, leaving it to hang on the tree. So your Christmas tree from sweets will not lose its "market appearance" even when all the sweets are eaten.
The top of the tree can be decorated with a bow from a gift ribbon, or you can make a star on top. To do this, you need to cut out of the cardboard two partsstar, glue them together, leaving the bottom uncovered, glue the star with foil and put on the top of the tree. Between the candy can be glued rain or small Christmas toys, you can even make a Christmas tree garland of small sweets.
Beautifully looks like a Christmas tree of sweets, "planted" in a pot. To do this you will need a "trunk", a woodenstick or dense cardboard tube. You can take a ready-made - such usually wrapped with foil or food film. Color the "trunk" with paint from the can and "plant" it in a plastic pot filled with polystyrene (in the middle of the foam it is necessary to make a hole slightly smaller in diameter than the trunk so that the tree is tightly reinforced). Polyfoam is also better to paint with paint from the can. A pot can be simply painted, painted or decorated in a decoupage technique.
Spread the top of the barrel with glue, drip some glue into the cone-billet, "plant" the workpiece on the barrel, and when the construction dries, you can attach a Christmas tree candy according to the scheme you already know. A fir-tree of sweets is a beautiful and tasty gift that will not leave anyone indifferent!