Threads for knitting: how to choose?Crochet or knitting - enoughpopular kind of needlework. The beauty and quality of the finished product depend not only on your skill, but also on the quality of the threads used for knitting. The country of the Soviets will tell you how to choose Knitting.

The choice of yarns (yarns) for knitting depends on the fact,what exactly are you going to knit. Agree, it's silly to make from an identical yarn a delicate summer dress and a thick winter sweater. Therefore, knitting threads must meet the purpose of the product.

Knitting threads are made from different materials. All yarn is divided into such basic types: woolen, mohair, cotton, linen, silk and synthetic. Woolen yarn very warm and quite elastic, but at the same timecan be stretched after washing and roll down. Types of woolen yarn depend on animals, whose wool was taken for its manufacture, and differ in quality and, consequently, in price. Under mohair yarn Initially, one of the types of woolen yarn (traditionally knitted Orenburg shawls) was implied, but nowadays mohair is often called any fluffy yarn for knitting, including synthetic ones.

If woolen yarn is used for warm products, then cotton, linen or silk threads for knitting are more suitable for summer. They are lighter, from them the tracery things turn out. But keep in mind that products made of natural cotton after washing can sit. Synthetic threads for knitting can be made of polyester, acrylic, nylon, viscose, lycra, polyamide, spandex.

The yarn for knitting is usually made from several kinds of fibers. The qualities and appearance of the yarn are determined by the fact,which fibers are included in its composition and what is their ratio. For example, if you add natural or synthetic fibers to the wool, it will fall less and stretch, it will be cheaper to cost. Adding wool to the cotton thread will make it softer and fluffy. Adding silk will give yarn shine, etc.

In addition to the composition of the thread, other characteristics are very important, for example, twist. If the thread is strongly twisted, for knitting with knitting needlesit is hardly suitable - just for crocheting. A product made of strongly twisted filaments, knitted with spokes, will be rigid and may distort. Usually, the yarn is indicated on the label, it is intended for a hook or spokes, as well as the number of spokes or hooks.

Also important elasticity and strength of the thread. To check them, you need to pull the thread andrelease: it must take the original form, otherwise the product may be deformed. The thread should be flat, without thin patches or thickenings. Uneven yarn is suitable for a limited number of patterns; for example, for an openwork mating, it does not fit at all.

If you are going to knit a patterned product from yarn of several colors, it is important strength of coloring of yarns. It is usually advised to wet the thread, wrap it inwhite cloth and iron by iron: if there is a trace on the fabric, the thread can be used only for monochrome products. But, alas, in the store this way the thread can not be checked - only "post-factum", after the purchase. So you have to rely on the honesty of the seller and choose by trial and error.

Thickness of the thread for knitting, like the material, depends on the product. It is denoted by numbers (the larger the number, the thinner the yarn). Usually, the comments to each model indicate the thickness and number of threads (measured in grams). But better take yarn with a margin: it is better to leave more than not enough. The weaker the twist and the fluffier the yarn, the lower the consumption. If you are afraid that the yarn still does not suffice, be sure to keep the label: it indicates the color and batch number, this information will help you to buy the right yarn and not to be mistaken.

The choice of yarn for knitting is a responsible thing, because the quality of the future product depends on the yarn. And what kind of knitting do you prefer? We offer experienced needlewomen to share their advice with beginners.

Threads for knitting: how to choose?
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