Mask made of papier-macheUntil the New Year there is little more than a month - it's timethink about carnival costumes for yourself and your children! An indispensable attribute of the New Year's costume is a carnival mask. You can buy a ready-made mask in the store, but if you want to be different from others - help comes papier-mache mask, made by own hands.

Papier-mache is a paper mass. Paper for papier-mache should be easily soaked, without turning into a gruel. Therefore, a good mask of papier-mache will come from newsprint. In addition to newsprint for making masks from papier-mache you will need:

  • Heavy paper (soaked half-board, paper-kraft, writing or magazine paper)

  • cotton cloth

  • scissors

  • brushes

  • PVA glue or paste

  • material for the model (freezing clay, sculptural clay)

  • materials for finishing (thin fabric, feathers, sequins, laces for strings, paints, varnish, etc.)

Glue PVA for making a mask of papier-mache should be diluted with water. If you suddenly did not have glue, you can try to cook the paste. To weld starch paste, dissolve the starch in small amountscold water (2-3 tablespoons per 1 liter of water), stir well and add with boiling water. Cook the paste until thick, stirring constantly. For one mask of papier-mache, a cup of paste is enough.

The model on which the mask will be madepapier-mache, can be manufactured in many ways. First, decide on your New Year's image - it depends on the shape of the mask and, accordingly, the model. For a basis it is best to take finished plastic maskAppropriate to you in shape and size. You can choose the cheapest and simple mask. To create a form, it is best to use self-hardening clay or sculptured clay.

Some prefer as a form for a maskfrom papier-mâché to make a plaster or clay mold of a person, but it is difficult to do by yourself, besides, it is not known how the skin of a person will react to such "mockery". And if you are friendly with anatomy and are good at sculpting, you can make a basis for the mask yourself, the main thing is to make sure that all basic proportions of your face, otherwise the mask of papier-mache will not sit well.

When the mold is ready, cover it with petroleum jelly, and you can start to glue the paper in the papier-mache technique. Narwhite (just pick, not cut!) paper in small pieces. To better see the layers, use paper of two types (color and black and white newspaper, newspaper and thin paper, text and margins, etc.).

The first layer of papier-mache is made of a denserpaper to give the mask the necessary rigidity. It is not glued, but simply laid on a vaseline-smeared form. The next layer of newsprint is put on the glue. Each piece must be well smoothed, that there were no air bubbles - otherwise the maskit will turn out loose. The third layer is again glued thick paper - the glue should be more dense, and you need to glue more carefully. The fourth layer is again newsprint.

The fifth layer puts a bandage or cotton cloth. It must be cut into small pieces and carefully soaked in diluted glue. When gluing bandage or fabric, be careful - can appear wrinkles, so you need to smooth this layer with a solidsubject matter. The protruding pieces are cut with scissors. Then again, one layer of newspaper and one - thick paper. If in some places of the mask you need to create a relief, paste more paper there. For the top layer, dense white paper (pre-soaked) or white cotton fabric (but not bandage) is used. After setting the adhesive, wipe the joints of the paper or fabric with a damp cloth - this will smooth the irregularities. For greater reliability, the papier-mache mask is greased with gelatin, especially if you are going to paint it with oil paints.

The papier-mache mask is dried at room temperature for 3-4 days. While the mask of papier-mache was not dried, its can not be removed from the form - it can be deformed.

The finished mask of papier-mâché is decorated. You can paint it with paints or wrap it with a cloth (crepe-satin, stretch velvet, etc.). For coloring it is convenient to use paints in a can,Also diluted in siccativa oil paints, acrylic or a mixture of gouache and PVA. After drying, it is most convenient to fix the paint with a cheap hair spray.

For tightening It is necessary to cut out the fabric in the form of a mask with cutsfor the eyes and mouth, not forgetting about the allowances. The fabric is covered with a thin layer of super-glue, stretched on the mask (make sure that there are no wrinkles), and when the glue grabs, the allowances are wrapped and glued. From the inside, glue the papier-mache mask with a cotton cloth and attach the tie or gum.

Often a mask made from papier-mache is additionallydecorated with applique, lace, sequins, feathers, sequins, sequins, braid - lots of options! If the mask made of papier-mâché is made qualitatively, some details can be addressed to it sew, having missed then all seams with glue PVA.

Mask made of papier-mache
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