Cissus: photo and home careCissus is a fairly common ampelplant. Leaves of it come in two forms: dissected and whole, as in the photo. Clings to the support with antennas. Even if you have never heard this name, then the grapes or birch are exactly familiar to you.


Cissus Antarctic

Its evergreen twisted vines with shoots are oftendecorate our apartments and offices. The leaves are oval or almost cordate, reaching 12 cm in length and 8 cm in width, along the edges serrate-dentate. His flowers are small.

Cissus striped

This species is rarely mentioned. It is a perennial climbing plant, with shoots up to 10 meters long. Its leaves resemble a girlish virgin and are painted in medium green color. It grows quickly, it is not hard. In its own way, the Red Sensation variety with reddish leaves is beautiful.

Cissus rhomboid

Kind of rhomboid cissus, as in the photo - the mostcommon in our band. When grown in indoor conditions, almost does not blossom. He has small, unattractive, collected in umbrellas inflorescence. The dark green leaves are covered with silver stripes on top and the lower plates have a purple color.Cissus. Kinds of grapes

Especially suitable for beginners,who have no time to look after plants. Undemanding and shade-resistant species. It is easy to carry dry hot air in summer and lowering the temperature to + 10 ° C in winter.

Cissus Mandiana

This is a variety related to the form of rhomboid. Compared with its relatives, it has larger dimensions. Strong stem, confidently stretches upwards, carries on itself curly tendrils and diamond-shaped leaves, which are also quite large. Enough hardiness, and often he is not afraid of changes in conditions. Cuttings can take root even in spite of the heat. In winter, does not go into sleep mode, continues to actively and rapidly grow. Such features allow him to be popular with florists.

Cissus Ellen Danica

The variety Ellen Danica is rhomboid, heIt is very popular among lovers of gardeners. Very beautiful and interesting, with original dissected leaves pleases its owners, braiding the window apertures and verandas.

Cissus colorful

This is a real sissy compared to previousvarieties of grapes. In winter, he needs a temperature of + 15 - + 23 ° C. He does not tolerate dry air. To not lose the leaves, you need to shorten his shoots. Do not worry, in spring the plant will recover and become even more beautiful.

Cyssus tuberose

An interesting view, it is also called a bottle,nodule for caudex form: the root part of the stem has a strong thickening. The leaves of this species are carved, up to 7 cm in diameter, which are very small under intensive illumination.

The birthplace of a flower

This unpretentious flower came to us from countries with a warm and humid climate. These are tropical and subtropical areas of Australia, Southeast Asia, Brazil, Chile.

Care for cissus at home

With increased attention, cissus grows rapidly, constantly increasing.

If you put a flower near a window that faces south, then its leaves will be large saturated green.

Indoor grapes

For growing cissus at home, you needobserve the following features of care. The temperature should be in the range of +16- + 25 ° C. Do not allow drafts during the cold season, otherwise some of the leaves may fall.

Does not suffer from the dryness of the air, but frequent spraying will only benefit him.

In warm weather, it is necessary to water abundantly. This is done because a lot of moisture evaporates from the leaf surface in the summer. But in the cold season it is necessary to produce watering only after the drying of the earth coma.

For grapes, a mixture prepared from leaf land, peat, turf, sand and humus is suitable. We take all components in the same proportion.

Cissus is a flower that, when favoredconditions very quickly increases the green mass. Even the most common kind of decorative looks in the design of winter gardens, covering stony ground with its openwork shoots or weaving a larger neighbor.Cissus. Home care

Reproduction of cisus

The most popular methods are cuttings, seeds,you can separate the bush. Cutting is the easiest way. Usually it is done in winter or spring. Plant 3-4 pieces with two buds in an 8-centimeter pot and keep them at a temperature of 18-22 ° C. After 3 weeks, after they have roots, they are planted in pots.

In the spring, when you perform a transplant, you can divide the bush, as a variant of reproduction.

Reproduction of cissus by seeds is more difficult task, they need to be sown in spring in flat plates. After the shoots have risen and two leaves appear, you can transplant one by one into the pot.

Diseases and pests

It can be damaged by leaf aphids and spider mites. Because of the sensitivity of the leaves, it is necessary to use chemical preparations neatly. If you overdo it with watering, and the soil is too dense, and not loose, it can lead to decay of the roots, and the plant will fade.

Why do the leaves of the cissus turn yellow?

The cause of color loss may be a shortagemicroelements. The yellowness on them indicates a lack of watering and poor soil. In this case, it is necessary to feed the pet. It is also possible to yellow leaves in winter if the air in the room is dry and warm.

Why does cissus dry?

Dry air can be the cause of the completedrying up of the plant, so you need to look after the flower correctly. Try to spray the water around or near the pot, put the container with water. It is necessary to adjust the watering, do not allow complete drying of the soil and at the same time it is impossible to fill it. Sharp temperature changes and drafts will lead to the fall of the leaves of the cissus, take care of your pet.

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