Nephrolepis - charming home fern
Nephrolepis is an attractive plant withopenwork-cut leaves-vayami, on the underside of which are spores. A typical fern, grown because of the decorative green mass. It does not bloom under any circumstances.
If you decide to purchase nephrolepys, do not worry, he is not whimsical and caring for him will not take long.
Nephrolepis, photos - species of ferns
The most popular is nephrolepis sublime, its one-leaved leaves, reaching 60 cm, form a curly rosette. The most stable in growing species.
A variant of the previous fern is nephrolepis Boston, which is bred in the city of the same name. As a result of selection works, species with three- and four-plumose leaves appeared.
Fern Green Lady of them, probably the most beautiful: a cascade of emerald leaves forms a luxurious rosette resembling a fountain in shape.
Cultivation and care
If the plant is kept in favorable conditions, the leaves grow fairly quickly, increasing the length by 5-10% monthly.
To grow a beautiful nephrolepis care for him will be as follows:
The air temperature in winter should be about 18 ° C, and in summer - 20 ° C. The temperature difference is not allowed;
the most suitable lighting for nephrolepis is partial shade or diffuse light;
at home, the flower should be sprayed every day. Use for this purpose permanent warm water;
water should be in two days in the summer and every week in the winter. The soil must always be moist, while water stagnation should not be allowed;
the house fern grows perfectly in leaf or sod land;
feed the plant every three weeks, alternating mineral with organic fertilizers.
In nature, the fern reproduces by spores. But at home cultivation the other method is used - division of a rhizome.
During the spring and summer vegetation on the sidesthere are young rosettes of leaves. They must be separated and planted in small pots. Saplings water and create a high humidity, covering them with cans. The desired temperature is 15-18 ° C. After rooting, the plants are placed under normal conditions.
Replant nephrolepis is necessary every spring. We do this as follows:
We remove the flower from the pot and release the roots from the ground
We make drainage in a larger vessel and fill a small layer of moist soil, after which we insert the plant and sprinkle the roots with a new substrate. The flower should be immediately poured
Another point: if the leaves dry and fall, then there is not enough moisture in the air and in the soil. Pour the plant. The cause may also be direct sunlight. Be sure to shade the fern.