Useful houseplants

Unfortunately, household appliances, decoration andbuilding materials, household chemicals damage the human body. All this pollutes the air, emits poisons and positively charged ions, which cause people various diseases. Alas, this can not be avoided, but improve the situation.

One of the assistants to man in the fight against the negative influence of the environment are houseplants!

As a result of their vital activity, they secrete oxygen and saturate the air with negative ions, which is very useful for human health.

Who does not know - negative ions positively affect the general condition of a person, strengthen immunity, improve metabolism, cardiovascular and circulatory system, increase muscle tone.

Indoor plants clean the air well. The best way to clean air is to copechlorophytum. It absorbs formaldehyde, which is isolated by thermal insulation of synthetic materials in the apartment. Scientists have found out that for a day chlorophytum completely cleans a living room, and if in activated pots put activated charcoal, its purifying properties increase several times. Useful cleansing properties can also boast of aloe, ivy, spathiphyllum.

A very valuable property of houseplants can be called their the ability to release special substances - phytoncides, which destroy microbes and neutralize toxins. This property is inherent in myrtle, geranium, figs, rosemary, citrus.

But the usual century-old reduces the number of microbes by almost 4 times.

The variegated diffenbachia cleans the air oftoxins. It must be placed in the room that faces the motorway or industrial production. This geranium is useful to keep in the bedroom - there it will bring maximum benefit. Inhaling useful compounds, which produces geraniums, a person becomes much calmer, less exposed to stress and insomnia. In addition, this plant is very beautiful, quickly reproduces and does not require special care.

Excellent fight against viruses and bacteria is also a plant like laurel - a small evergreen shrub. Myrtle has an additional beneficial beneficial effect during the treatment of bronchitis.

Everyone knows the cactus - also the enemy of microbes and harmful ions. is he protects us from electromagnetic radiation. It is better to put it in those rooms in whichthere is a computer or TV. The cactus with oval stems, also known as the prickly pear, helps to reduce the amount of mold fungi living in our apartments 6-7 times.

Useful antifungal properties also have lemon, coffee tree, ivy, ficus. Specialists recommend placing these plants in damp and darkened rooms.

Indoor plants are able to fight infections of various diseases. For example, staphylococcal infection is destroyed by ruelilla, sanchetia, diffenbachia, myrtle, psidium.

With streptococcal microorganisms strugglingBegonia, Aglaonema, Japanese spindle grass, Anthurium Andre and Scherzer, and with E. coli - laurel cherry, laurel noble, pontsirus. Monarda, mint, lavender, hyssop, sage will protect you from Klebsiella, which causes pneumonia, meningitis, sinusitis, etc. With many microbial cells, begonias, myrtle, pelargonium, rosemary, anthurium, diffenbachia, coloniere, wooded dendritus, Tradescantia, epipremnum, Aglaonema are fighting.

But in order for your indoor plants to really show their powerful useful properties, you must provide them with proper living conditions, donate their love and care.

Useful houseplants

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