New Year greeting card with beads, photo
To give cards to close people is pleasant and verya long tradition. To do this, do not even need an excuse, it is not necessary to wait for a birthday or another holiday to make a little surprise to an expensive person.
Usually we go to the store for a postcard- good, now the choice is huge, to any holiday, with a variety of pictures and photos, verses and congratulations - no one will be able to leave empty-handed. However, in recent times, the simple and wise truth is increasingly recalled that the best gift is the one that is made by oneself. In the West, the tradition of homemade postcards has long taken root and has become very popular, and little by little is gaining momentum in our country.
Make a postcard of beads with your own hands absolutelyit's easy - the main thing that you need is time and desire. By the way, you can draw to create a homemade postcard of your child - an exciting and interesting activity will not leave him indifferent.
For work you need:
dense color paper (plain)
figured scissors
beads of different sizes - be guided by your preferences in color, the brighter the card, the more interesting
A bright outline may be useful - silver or gold
Postcard from beads - photos and instructions
A sheet of paper is folded in half - it will be a standard size for a postcard. Edges can be cut with figured scissors, if they are - if not, it does not matter, you can completely manage and even edge;
Decide which picture you want to represent on the card - a star, a Christmas tree, or, maybe just an ornament or a pattern?
You can use some kind of stencil toThe drawing was smooth and neat. If you are confident in your abilities, then arm yourself with a pencil and eraser and paint what you want - then on these drawings and we will paste the beads;
Glue is better to take PVA - the beads on it are kept well, and the glue after drying becomes transparent, so that even if you drip too much, it is unlikely to be noticeable;
If you wanted to use the outline - and it is appropriate, when choosing, for example, stars and Christmas trees - then first circle them and wait until they dry out;
In the event that you have chosen an ornament - just gently cover with glue the pencil lines and spread the beads. For convenience, you can use tweezers;
Of course, if you chose a Christmas tree for a postcard, thenit is logical to use green beads, however, do not be afraid of experiments - for the ornament, for example, any colors and sizes will do, most importantly, do everything neatly. The use of various contours, sequins and different beads only adds our originality card;
After all the beads are on their ownplace, wait for the glue to dry well - otherwise there will be trouble. Be careful when choosing paper - it must be very dense, otherwise under the weight of the beads can deform.
Make a New Year greeting card from beads just - notpostpone for later, involve the younger generation in this lesson and rest assured that you can always make a beautiful and original gift with your own hands.