Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands
Postcard by May 9 with your own hands

Do you think what kind of craft to make in a kindergarten onVictory Day? We offer you a wonderful master class on making postcards by May 9th with your own hands. The work is not difficult, even a child can easily cope with it.

Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands
Postcard for May 9 with your own hands for the contest

Postcard for May 9 in kindergarten - necessary materials

  • a blank for a postcard or a sheet of white cardboard;

  • colored paper of red, blue and green colors;

  • yellow beads;

  • green thread for embroidery;

  • PVA glue;

  • a red pen or a marker;

  • scissors.

Postcard on the 9th of May with your own hands - step-by-step instruction:

  1. We take a sheet of cardboard, bend it in half. To do this, we use scissors along the fold line. We turn the sheet horizontally, this is how we will work further.
    Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands
    Postcard on May 9th with your own hands: master class

  2. If you have a two-sided red colorpaper, then just cut off a strip along the sheet 2 cm wide. If the paper is painted only on one side, fold the sheet twice, glue it together and get a strip, red on both sides.Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands

  3. Next, using scissors, we twist the strip from two sides. Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands

    Then bend from the bottom obliquely, making a "hook" of nine.

    Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands

  4. We place the strip on the future postcard at an angle, we glue only the straight line, leave the lower bend free, like the part of the strip from above - from it we will form the "circle" of our figure 9.Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands

  5. Now we do nine. Bend the top of the strip, if necessary - cut off excess, make a mark with a pencil and glue, as shown in the video.We leave to dry up.

  6. We prepare florets, draw them on blue or blue paper, on the back side. Flowers can be made in any shape and preferably in different sizes. Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands

    We cut out. It will take about 20 flowers.

  7. On green paper draw the leaves. Several - small, to complete the branch, the rest - more. Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands Quantity - at your discretion.

  8. We prepare twigs. They are made with thread for embroidery. In advance, with a pencil, we plan their location on the postcard. For convenience, we use a needle, thread - completely spread with PVA glue.

    The branches for our cards are ready. Traces of glue will become invisible after the glue has completely dried.

    Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands

  9. Now we place flowers on the postcard by May 9th. First we compose the composition, then glue them with glue for the middle, to create the volume.Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands

  10. We place and paste the leaves.Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands

  11. With the help of a large yellow bead - we make a flower middle. Beads perfectly hold on the usual PVA, you just need to give the glue a good dry.Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands

  12. Now we write with a red silver pen or a red felt-tip pen on our postcard by May 9: "Victory Day" or "Congratulations", or any other inscription at our discretion.Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands

On a note: This postcard on May 9 can be improved, add a background, or paint the middle of the petals with white paint, and insert a star inside the ninth. Trust your imagination and create a unique gift for the veteran.

A postcard for May 9 is ready. We hope that it will become an excellent item for crafts in kindergarten.

Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands

Crafts in kindergarten: a card for May 9, their own hands

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