What signs of the zodiac are prone to wealth, and which to poverty

Scientists-astrologers convince that the heavenly bodiesaffect all spheres of human life, incl. and the predisposition of fate to wealth and prosperity. Of course, there is no sign of the zodiac, which in its pure form would produce millionaires and billionaires - as they say, rely on the stars, and do not be bad yourself. However, a certain pattern exists, and the location of the luminaries indicates a person's inclination to be able to create a financial fortune literally from the air, or, conversely, ignore even the money that is lying underfoot. Who of us was born under a lucky star, and has every chance to fill up the Forbes lists with his own name, and who will not be able to taste the luxurious life of the billionaire?


Aries and money are very compatible concepts. Moreover, money for Aries feeds even more love than Aries to them. Therefore, money literally follows them, and strive to settle in their purse. And all because Aries are very risky natures. They are often involved in financial adventures and come out victorious. Big money like competent adventurers.

What signs of the zodiac are prone to wealth, and which to poverty


Taurus is very cheap for money. The happiness of this sign depends not only on the quantity of savings and the abundance of material goods, but on how much money and everything that they can buy, there was more than a close environment. Taurus know how to "twist the finances" and live in full prosperity, but here's to earn enough money to become the god of financial Olympus is obtained only from a few of them.


Twins most often do not become richbecause they do not know how to make money (with this they have everything in perfect order), but because they do not know how to save and rationally spend it. As soon as Gemini has a slightly noticeable amount, they immediately lower it to a very important, in their view, case. It's amazing how they manage to snatch a significant part of the world's wealth, which, according to astrological statistics, mostly accounts for this particular sign of the zodiac?


Cancers are thrifty, right up to skuperdyaystva. They start saving their savings when they think about the "black day", and then take a great interest in savings so that the piggy bank becomes too fat and starts to spit out too much. Of course, Cancers are not superfluous. They will certainly find a profitable application for their kopecks, from which they always live in full prosperity. That's when Cancers begin to invest in charity. Why invest? Yes, because here they expect to receive benefits in the form of fame and recognition.

What signs of the zodiac are prone to wealth, and which to poverty


Lions always tend to look luxurious andto make the impression of a wealthy man. But here the key moment is the desire of the Lions not to be rich, but to be heard. Wealth does not inherit all, and to earn it, you need to work hard. Lions have no time! After all, someone and on the throne should be seated. And it does not matter that the cardboard throne is a bit of gold spraying, a successful foreshortening, a light, a formidable inscription "The Lion" - and very few people will distinguish it from the present. However, like the rich Leo from the poor. Lion knows how to make connections. And where there are connections, there will be money.


The Virgin is the leading sign among the rich of the whole world. The first positions in the tops of billionaires they occupy silently. They can easily afford to buy a small planet or a large island, but they are unlikely to be worn with their financial capabilities, as with a written baggage. Quite the contrary, modest jeans and a comfortable bicycle will allow this sign to get lost in a crowd that does not recognize a billionaire for anything. Of course, not all Virgo become rich, but most of them live in abundance.

What signs of the zodiac are prone to wealth, and which to poverty


Scales consider money as evil, which makes of peoplepeople and spoils all the highly spiritual. But here's how to despise everything you can buy for money, Libra does not work. Luxurious life with villas off the coast of the ocean, yachts and airplanes - their unrealized blue dream. And it is unlikely to ever be realized. The internal contradiction does not allow Libra to establish financial harmony. They know how to work, but they do not know how to demand a decent payment. Therefore, they always have money for a piece of bread, but they only have to dream about black caviar.


Scorpions are often all financially successful. Up to the money they are very greedy! Rather, Scorpio owns not so much a greed for money, as much as the opportunities, power and independence that money brings with it. For the sake of this they are ready to sweep away on their way to the riches of everyone who dares to encroach on their financial goal. For such efforts, it sometimes takes too much time, so many Scorpions become millionaires closer to old age.

What signs of the zodiac are prone to wealth, and which to poverty


Sagittarians could be financially successful ifFirstly, they did not spend money earlier than they manage to earn them, and secondly, they reconciled themselves to the fact that in this world there will always be those who will be more successful and richer. The idea that they will not be able to earn all the money of the universe, does not give rest and takes away every incentive to grow rich. Although no, one more time Sagittarius will allow himself to buy money borrowed from a profitable project, and only then he will certainly become the Lord of the whole planet!


Capricorns - rich! They know a simple secret: the money is found in the one who earns a lot, carefully spends and smartly spends. Capricorns are able to earn, save and know how to spend too! But most successfully they get to invest their savings - in real estate, in business, in science. Especially they like to increase their capital through self-development. Spending on learning the ability to make more money pays off with interest. So he can not borrow money from Capricorn, he will say that all his savings are in him.

What signs of the zodiac are prone to wealth, and which to poverty


Aquarians are the most ambiguous in the financialrespect signs. They never set a goal to get rich, wealth finds them themselves - they can win in the lottery, and find treasure and inheritance. However, their main motto is "Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends!" Links are their wealth. All their profits Aquarians spend on new friends who in times of poverty will always find for them 100 rubles. In general, financial luck accompanies Aquarians always and in everything, but they manage to keep the state of prosperity with difficulty.


Fish always swim in financially lavish waters, butone god knows how they manage to stay poor! And if not for their eternal illusions about their plight, they could easily be in the top three leaders of the richest zodiac signs. However, Pisces does not know how to make money or increase it. They rely on the will of those who are financially more prosperous, and obediently feed off the hands of benefactors. And they would have to look at the ability of wealthy patrons to grow rich, because the financial success of Pisces is plentiful!

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