Wishes for Last Call 2017

A little more and in all schools of our vastthe country will hear the last school bell. It is awaited with impatience all the school children - a little more and come the long-awaited summer vacation! But only there are those for whom the line on the last call will not just signal the end of the academic year, but also the starting point of a new life. Of course, we are talking about a graduate of grades 9-11, who are forever forgiven not only with teachers and class teacher, but also with classmates. This memorable event is never without special wishes for the last call for graduates in verse and prose. Parents, teachers, and graduates themselves, without fail, make congratulatory speeches on the line. The best wishes for the last call for graduates of the school will be found next.

Beautiful wishes for the Last Call to 2017 graduates in prose and verse

Wishes for Last Call 2017

Graduates are the main characters of the festive line inthe honor of the last call, and therefore it is in their address that beautiful wishes in prose and verse are heard most often. Unlike usual congratulatory speeches, in such wishes for graduates there are always special words with parting words and wise advice. The most beautiful wishes to graduates on the last call in verse and prose are searched in the next collection.

Beautiful poems and prose for wishes on the last call graduates

Today is a warm spring day,

You will remember it forever.

The last bell rings.

Goodbye, school years.

And tomorrow in a new world, beautiful

You will open the window wide.

Color it with flowers of happiness,

As an artist canvas.

I wish in life an adult, new,

To you I choose the right path.

Let the path be exemplary,

So as not to collapse from it.

Rang, flew

Our school days.

Did not have time to look back -

We are already graduates.

The hour has struck, it's time has come

Achieve great victories.

There are many roads ahead -

Let the green light turn on.

All good luck and patience,

Highest points for everyone. Hooray!

Happiness is waiting for - doubt!

Everyone has no feather or feather!

Congratulations on graduation! At this moment, it's a little sad, because you say goodbye to your childhood, but it's joyful from the opening opportunities. Let all your wishes come true, let on your way there are only bright and kind people, let love shine brightly your days. Go and conquer the world!

Wishes graduates from the class teacher on Last call in verse

Wishes for Last Call 2017

A class teacher, clearly aware of thethe last call that it was time to part with the graduates, hurry to prepare special wishes in verse. In such congratulatory words there is necessarily a simple everyday wisdom, and practical advice. Therefore, often the wishes of graduates on the last call in verse from the class teacher in many ways resemble an attempt to pass on to the new generation all the most important and valuable. Such a version of friendly advice from a wise mentor who loves graduates as their own children. The best poems with kind and wise wishes from a classy mother for graduates in the next collection.

Poems with wishes to graduates from the class teacher on Last Call 2017

It is time to part,

A sad custom in the country ...

Forget rewards and titles -

Now we are on a par with you;

Wither now in the office

Without your care flowers ...

How quickly you grew up, children!

What a pity that you need to go! ..

A sad sob-alarm

Your last call rings,

And you will not be around again,

And I deduce as a result,

What is no better than you in the whole world,

And it was not - this is the whole point! ..

Good luck to you, adult children!

Happy and kind way to you!

It is time to part

And the class lesson ended,

Trembling, as always, goodbye

Flickering school bell.

I am grateful to you for your efforts,

For the teaching and for the warmth,

I express my heart's desire,

To you certainly lucky!

To remember the former schoolchildren,

Colleagues respected always,

There were many friends and supporters,

Bypassed any trouble!

Today your last bell is ringing,

Familiar to the pain, carried away in childhood,

And touching every corner of the corner,

He opens a new door for you!

You are my children, we became like a family,

It's time for us to say goodbye, you are adults at all!

Waiting for each new life of the path,

But you will be yearning for more autumn!

You keep the memory of the school years,

Let everyone find their way in life,

Everything in your now only hands,

And new goals are waiting at the door!

Touching wishes to graduates on the last call 2017 from parents in verse

Wishes for Last Call 2017

For graduates' parents Last callThe holiday is touching, demanding special wishes in verse. For 11 long years, they, together with their children, "gnawed the granite of science" and passed through the thorny path of knowledge. And now, being on a festive line and watching graduates, they understand that their kids are already quite grown-up people. Touching wishes for the last call to graduates in poems from parents is an opportunity to express pride, love and joy to their children on a festive line.

Touching verses for graduates from their parents on Last Call

Here is the school's completed diary,

And today a farewell solo

The last bell will ring for you.

Good-bye, my dear school!

This way, passing by steps,

You grew and formed,

Before something, sometimes they staggered,

Something you comprehended joking.

Our lovely graduates,

The world awaits you fascinating, new.

But, hurrying to open the recesses,

Do not forget to try to base.

Our glorious teachers,

Thank you for your work and patience.

You are on the school board of the ship

Educated another generation.

And today, lifting sails,

By turning to your horizons,

Look at each other's eyes,

Smile at each other, saying goodbye!

This holiday with sadness just a little ...

On the big stepping road,

Graduate, never forget

To visit your teacher.

The last bell rang.

With the school, children, time to say goodbye.

As childhood passed unnoticed,

In the adult world, it's time for you to knock.

Let the path of life be easy,

Great let them expect you to accomplish,

Let the bold dreams come true,

And do not let doubts disturb you.

Confidence, courage to dare!

After all, how beautiful is your future stage.

Come on, guys! Never fold!

Only the walking man can overcome the difficult road.

We are grateful to all teachers,

Director - for your work tireless.

We hope that the graduates will glorify you

His talent, bright, multifaceted.

Funny wishes in verses on Last call to classmates

Wishes for Last Call 2017

A little more and their ways will disperse. It is possible that the next time after graduation in such a composition they will only meet in tens of years. And from the understanding of this fact, graduates become especially sad. Therefore, cool wishes in verses to classmates on the Last Bell can be that moment of light humor that will defuse the situation and will remain forever in your memory. Choose the original and cool wish to your classmates on Last call from verses next.

Funny Poems for Wishes on Last Call 2017 to Classmates

The last bell will call us there,

Where we were only in the dreams of the retreating were.

From knowledge, we are waiting in our life for the fruit.

We believe that we have created the path to our world.

And we will wish our classmates

Good luck on the way and in the family - understanding.

We will create destiny as before.

After all, we were here without delay.

We wish that classmates all

We managed to fulfill what they wanted.

And the days come as a glare in the dew,

And let us have patience in the future.

The doctrine came to the end.

We were waiting for him!

But the hour of farewell came.

And suddenly we were bored.

Let classmates find

Your place is everywhere.

We in fact knowingly at school here

All gathered together all at once.

Let each person set an exact goal,

Walking to her without a barrier.

Win our duel

For our glorious award!

There is a school experience behind them.

There is a sea of ​​knowledge, an island of dreams.

And classmates can

All to find your love!

Let all of us on the road be lucky,

Let us all be lucky with friends.

And early to sum up,

And we dare step forward.

And nothing to be tormented secretly,

And obviously - also to nothing.

Let these days begin nicely.

We will arrange everything in the mind.

The last call graduates perceive not so,like the rest of the schoolchildren. For them, this is a sad farewell party, which opens the door to a new adult life. It's no wonder that teachers, the class teacher and parents are eager to support the graduates, preparing for them beautiful and touching wishes for the Last Bell. In turn, funny poetry and humorous prose for classmates teach the Last Bell and graduates themselves. We hope that the wishes that you found in our article will make your last call memorable and bright!

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