Scenario Children's New Year 2017 for kindergarten and school - funny, theatrical, fairy tale, musical

New Year is the most long-awaited and cheerfula holiday that is equally loved by adults and children alike. But if for the older generation the preparation for the New Year's Eve is more pragmatic, for babies it is always the expectation of a fairy tale and anticipation of a miracle. And it's not just gifts, which, of course, are eagerly awaited by both young children and teenagers. For children, the threshold of New Year's holidays is a string of bright morning performances and fascinating concerts, based on original scenarios with competitions and games. Variants of such scenarios can be mass, but all of them must correspond to one main requirement - to be interesting for small viewers. And then in which format the script of the children's holiday will be written (adventure, musical, funny tale, theatrical production) is not so important. In our today's article we have collected the most original and unusual ideas for matinees. We are sure that by using them, you will be able to write a truly entertaining scenario for the children's New Year 2017.

Scenario children's themed New Year 2017 Cock

Scenario Children's New Year 2017 for kindergarten and school - funny, theatrical, fairy tale, musical

According to the Eastern calendar, the coming 2017will pass under the sign of the Fiery Cock. You can take advantage of the image of this bright bird with ease and when writing a script for a children's holiday. It is better if the scenario of the children's themed New Year 2017 Rooster will contain elements of a fairytale story. First, it will make it easy to fit the image of the cockerel into the script. And secondly, such a story will certainly interest children of different ages. In addition, you can use the image of the New Year's cock in various competitions and games. For example, if you are developing a fairly traditional scenario, but want to link it in meaning with the animal symbol of the coming year, then use thematic digressions. For example, add special competitions. Suitable for the following variations:

  • the loudest cry of a "crow"

  • the brightest suit

  • fastest runner

Also suitable for children's scenariothe thematic New Year 2017 under the sign of the Rooster and the version of the masquerade ball, which all boys can come in cock suits, and the girls - in the dresses of chickens. To diversify such a masquerade is desirable thematic sketches, performances and dances. For example, on a merry New Year's song you can put an amusing dance of chickens and chickens. Also you can pick up poems and songs related to the symbol of the coming year.

Scenario of New Year's fairy tale for children, ideas for garden and primary school

Scenario Children's New Year 2017 for kindergarten and school - funny, theatrical, fairy tale, musical

As a rule, New Year parties in kindergartensand primary schools are held according to a standard scenario with the participation of fairy-tale characters. On a visit to the kids comes Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, together they light festive lights on the Christmas tree and read poems. But such an option, frankly speaking, is not impressive for modern children, accustomed to special effects in movies and colorful cartoons. Therefore, the only way to interest small viewers is to prepare a script for a New Year's fairy tale for children in kindergarten and primary school. Ideas for a fairy-tale production can be drawn both from folk tales, and from the modern world. Next, we offer you some original ideas for a scenario of an unusual performance in a fairy-tale style for children of different ages.

Scenario for the junior and middle group of the kindergarten for the New Year's matinee

For the youngest scenario of a New Year's fairy taleshould be simple and understandable. It will surprise even the appearance of a real Santa Claus and other fairy-tale heroes. But for such a fairy tale to be more interesting to them, it is worthwhile to involve children in active interaction with the main characters. For example, children can help the Snow Maiden to "scatter snow in the forest" from cotton wool and paper or dance Snowman for a snowflake dance so that it does not melt in the kindergarten.

Scenario for the senior kindergarten group for the morning performance

A similar scenario with minor changessuitable for a fabulous holiday for the New Year in the senior group. For example, for children of this age, it is possible to modernize folk tales with the help of elements of the modern world. To help fairy-tale characters can come the characters of popular cartoons, for example, Fixiki or Smeshariki. Ideal if these roles are performed by professional animators in colorful costumes.

New Year scenario for a holiday in an elementary school

In elementary school, the fabulous New Year scenarioholiday simply must be original. Pupils of the junior classes are waiting for an interesting spectacle with a dynamic plot, so the fairy tale scenario in a new way will suit just perfectly. For example, you can transfer popular characters of cartoons and fairy tales to the school atmosphere and beat the fun moments of school life. And in order that such themes fit organically into the New Year's scenario, scenes and contests should be added. And, of course, do not forget about holiday costumes, which in many ways determine the atmosphere of the holiday.

New Year's Eve 2017 for high school students, ideas

Scenario Children's New Year 2017 for kindergarten and school - funny, theatrical, fairy tale, musical

If we talk about high school students, they themselvesquite often organize school concerts in honor of the New Year, write scripts and choose original ideas for numbers and competitions. As a rule, these are very funny performances with a lot of humorous scenes, dances and songs. Also popular is the fairy-tale theme. However, unlike the matinees for middle and senior groups in kindergartens, teenagers prefer to put on fairy tales for the New Year on a new way, using, for example, modern slang. The actual scenario for the New Year 2017 for high school students will be staged a famous fairy tale about the Golden Cockerel in the style of rep. By the way, in such theatricalized and modernized New Year's scenarios, you can also involve schoolmates from the primary school. Therefore, if you are looking for the original script for the children's New Year 2017, then pay attention to the following options based on a musical and adventure.

Scenario New Year musical for teens

The musical theme is an unlimited space forcreativity, including the writing of the New Year's scenario. For example, with teenagers, you can put a real musical on New Year's themes like the popular TV projects with the participation of show business stars several years ago. Also, you can build a New Year scenario around a certain musical era, for example, in the style of the 50's and the style of that time. Cheerful and musical at the same time turn out and the script, entirely consisting of musical numbers on the New Year theme.

Ideas for the New Year Adventure scenario for high school students

The idea of ​​a scenario with adventures is relevant not onlyin the New Year's concert for high school students. Various versions of adventure themes are suitable for other holidays. But if you talk specifically about the ideas for the script with New Year's adventures, then an interesting option, for example, will be traveling through time. The goal of such an adventure can be the search for Santa Claus, who was lost when crossing the time space. In this scenario, it is worth adding humor and more funny scenes, light musical accompaniment and a few interesting cognitive facts. And then he will certainly enjoy all the participants and guests of the school concert in honor of the New Year!

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