Scenario for Halloween in school, for children and teenagers. The Scariest Scenario for Halloween for Students and Youth

Whether we like it or not, the younger generationalways strives for something new and unexplored. The reason for this is a great desire to learn the world from different angles, including studying the cultural features of other peoples, their customs and traditions. Perhaps, that is why the most terrible Halloween holiday in the world has almost "taken root" in our schools, institutes and even kindergartens. As a rule, the script for Halloween is prepared by high school students and students, which positively affects the development of their creative abilities. But the scenario of Halloween for children and junior teenagers in schools is often prepared by young teachers, so this holiday is much more often cheerful and cognitive, but quite fearless. In this article you will find many interesting ideas for Halloween at the school and institute, as well as examples of original scenarios with video.
The Scariest Halloween Scene in School

The first question that comes to mind when speakingIt's about the script for Halloween to the school regarding how terrible it should be. After all, in fact the main participants of this festive event will be children and adolescents, the nervous system of which is still in the process of becoming. Therefore, it is superfluous to protect children's "fragile minds" and prepare not the most terrible scenario of Halloween in school. Especially since the main task of Halloween at school is not to frighten children, but, on the contrary, to help them overcome their fears with humor and jokes. Yes, and I like Halloween kids more for the opportunity to have fun, fool around, get a lot of sweets and try on the role of negative characters.
Proceeding from the aforesaid, really terribleThe scenario for Halloween is better left for older people, for example, students or youth. But for children and teenagers it is better to choose an interesting and cheerful scenario of the Halloween holiday, which they will remember for a long time with amusing contests and original costumes.
Children's script of Halloween in school, ideas

Let's start with the ideas for a children's scenario of Halloween inschool, which is suitable for children from 9 to 12-13 years old. First of all, children of this age category must enjoy an active holiday with elements of Halloween. This means that the very school concert for Halloween should be dynamic and exciting, with a lot of moving contests and assignments. Naturally, the subject of contests and scenes should echo with Halloween. For example, in such an active children's scenario for Halloween in school there may be a division of students into several teams with sonorous titles such as "Little Witches" or "Besyat from 6-B". At the same time, competitions can be quite traditional: relay race, quiz, tug of war, jumping in bags. In other words, it's enough to create a Halloween entourage outwardly, and the script itself is based on all the favorite contests and entertainments.
A fabulous version of the scenario for a fun Halloween for children
Another interesting version of the holiday for Halloweenfor children it is possible to build around a fairy-tale subject, especially as it is closely intertwined with Helluinskaya. In this case, you can use not only traditional zombies and vampires for Halloween, but also representatives of our "native" evil spirits: Babu Yaga, Koshchei, Domovoi, Kikimoru. They will give the concert a special national flavor and help make the evening more fun and fun. Such fairy-tale characters can act as the hosts of the evening, and be present as guests, be the main characters. The main thing is that the selected actors (children, teachers, animators) who perform their roles have sufficient charisma to convey the authenticity of these folk anti-heroes.
Funny Scenario on a Halloween Holiday for Teenagers and High School Students
For teens and high school students, Halloween inschool - this is primarily a fun event with a disco and funny costumes. Therefore, for this age category is best suited easy funny script for Halloween without complex assignments and competitions. A funny script for Halloween for teenagers and high school students should be full of jokes, funny skits, parodies and all sorts of entertaining numbers. As for ideas for celebrating Halloween for high school students, preference should be given to funny parody concerts. For example, cheerful Halloween for the senior classes can be organized according to the type of the classic Autumn Ball, but for representatives of evil spirits. You can even hold elections for the King and Queen of the ball, which can be solemnly proclaimed "The most terrible pair of schools."
The original Halloween script for high school students

Interesting and rather original can bea version of Halloween for high school students, based on the famous horror films and scary books. As a basis, for example, you can take the famous film "Bell" or no less well-known bestseller "The Horseman without a Head". A recognizable scary plot with elements of humor and school activity will surely make the evening interesting and unforgettable. In addition, a rather original Halloween can be held in the spirit of such a popular in Western films of recent years, the style of the zombie apocalypse. For this you can, for example, prepare a special place where everyone can transform into a zombie with a makeup and then frighten those present, lure them into the dressing room, etc.
The original script for Halloween for students and youth
A really scary Halloween script canorganize students and youth. And this can be both a variant of a traditional concert, and an entirely unusual scenario. For example, a very original script for Halloween for students and youth can be written in the form of a mystical quest. To do this, choose a large room or open area, divide all the participants into teams and give them hints for the main task. Of course, it's most effective to spend such Halloween in the dark. But if you use the idea of a quest for a Halloween script for children and adolescents, it's best to organize it in the afternoon. In the course of performing tasks, participants will run into unpleasant places with cobwebs, sinister skeletons and monsters, etc. In addition to the thematic nature, such an option will become an interesting test not only for the participants, but also for the organizers of the quest.
An unusual Halloween scenario based on computer games
Another original script for Halloween foryouth can be organized based on popular computer games. And it is not necessary to take as the basis of the bloody Serious Sam or Doom, for example. Even based on the megahit of the 90's Super Mario, you can get a great scenario for Halloween at school or college. Well, if you are worried that such a game will make the script completely childish, then do not forget that nobody forbids you to dilute it with monsters from other game worlds. And remember that the main task of any scenario for Halloween for a school or institute is entertainment. Therefore, do not seek to intimidate those present to death, but give them the opportunity to spend time fun and exciting, lightly tickling nerves.