Congratulations on the Energy Day 2015 for colleagues in verse and prose

The day of power engineering we briefly callprofessional holiday workers in the energy industry. This collective name means all the specialists involved in the processing of one type of energy in another. Thanks to these people, light and warmth come to our house - the most important factors that make the life of modern man comfortable. The Day of Energy 2015 will be celebrated with honors, congratulations will be sent to profile employees, as well as other years.

Each of the representatives of modern society is a consumer of energy, so we all should pay attention to this holiday, at least to know what the number in 2015 it will be.

Energy Day 2015: What date will we celebrate this year?

Congratulations on the Energy Day 2015 for colleagues in verse and prose

Annually on the Day of Power Engineering of the employees of thisindustry congratulate on December 22. During the Soviet Union, the celebrations took place on the third Saturday of December, but this tradition was changed. Energy specialists themselves preferred to see it as their professional holiday on December 22, the shortest light day in the year.

In the opinion of energy workersindustry their activities are most important in the cold season. And on December 22, the shortest light day and the longest night of the year, the best day for celebrating those who bring home warmth and light! This tradition was reflected by the government, and the holiday was fixed on the 22nd, this date is included in the production calendar.

The official day off is not this day,but on this day throughout the country there are festive concerts and thematic exhibitions, awards ceremony for the best workers of the industry are held, verses and warm words are heard in their address.

Sincere congratulations on the occasion of Energy Day 2015 to colleagues

If you do not know where to get inspiration fromdrawing congratulations, then you can take the ready-made versions from here. These are the warmest words that everyone will be happy to hear on their professional holiday!

Congratulations in verse

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Though sometimes it is drunk

The electrician of our district,

It does not find another flaw,

After all, it will not cause damage:

On the contrary, for one-two-three

All the problems are fixed,

After all, he has a fire inside!

Today, I congratulate him!

In the heat and snow, any cold,

When the metal rings with glass,

The guys of the emergency service,

They rush to the urgent call to us.

So that the bulb burnt in the house,

On guard of the AUC always,

To life you had a car,

The lucky turn came!

You stress - only at work,

But in life, let peace reign!

You give light and warmth to people,

So they are needed, especially in winter!

May this day be successful for you,

And it will be so tomorrow and always!

Your work means so much to us,

People can not live without electricity.

In urban settlements

And in the megacities of the country,

In the salon of "Zhiguli" and a jeep -

Everywhere, heat and light are needed.

And the power engineer, undoubtedly,

To help every day is:

He brings light to us with inspiration,

Let him always be lucky!

What can you wish for?

So that your work is always in high esteem,

We want to thank you,

For the fact that people bring light.

Without light cities will rise

And the factories will stop.

A power engineer is yes!

That's the true hero of the people!

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Congratulations in prose

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Congratulations on the Energy Day 2015 for colleagues in verse and prose

Let this shortest light-day in the yearwill be the brightest and warmest in your life, because you, the power engineers, are destined to give people the sun in the middle of the night and the warmth in the winter. Let your work always be adequately paid for, your desires come true at the speed of light, and your hearts will be filled with the warmth of mutual love.

Today, December 22, mark theirprofessional holiday workers in the energy industry. I would like to wish you success in your hard work and thank you for the light and warmth that you give us. Let in your life there will be a lot of love and happiness, good health, joy and a lot of infinite positive !!!

I wish that in your holiday all the light bulbsthey saved energy more than usual, and street lamps with bright joyous light illuminated the road from the most chic restaurant where you will be congratulated by high authorities, to a house where all the equipment will henceforth work without interruption, and the woman of your dreams will meet with a shy smile and freshly prepared pies.

I wish the professional that on the day of his energymentally thanked for the work of thousands of people. Energetik - the main battery of the country! Let her battery always be at the maximum full of creative energy and vitality. I want to curb the ocean of electricity, and that in this case do without storms.

Congratulations on the holiday of the person to whomsubmits to the power industry! Successes to you on an uneasy path energy, which is so important and valuable for every person! Thank you for the knowledge and skills that turn into irreplaceable benefits thanks to your tireless work! Happy Power!

Let for you - for the most energetic and lightpeople, all roads will be open, there will always be a green light and let the joy fill the hearts. Give light and happiness to people, because only you can light in the people around you hope for a brighter future. Happy Power Engineer, dear friends!

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Congratulations on the Energy Day 2015 for colleagues in verse and prose

If Energy Day 2015 is also yourprofessional holiday, then accept sincere congratulations from us. You and your colleagues are doing a very important business, we every minute feel your participation in our daily life. Very soon, on December 22, congratulations and honors will be sent to your address in prose and even in verse. With the warmth of your souls and the cost of inhuman efforts, you warm us, our loved ones, our children. Accept our sincere gratitude and never forget that your work is significant and important for every citizen!

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