New Year in the Muslim Calendar of 2015

The date of the Muslim new year is determined by the lunarthe Muslim calendar of the Hijra, whose structure is based on the movement of the Moon around the Earth, so the Muslims begin their day at sunset. In addition, the Islamic calendar consists of 354 days in an ordinary year and 355 days in a leap year. That is why the date of the Muslim year does not coincide with the solar calendar. In view of the fact that the months of the lunar calendar of the Hijri move very rapidly relative to the seasons of the year, the Muslim New Year can occur on any month of the year.

When the Muslim New Year 2015 on Khidr

The Muslim New Year in 2015 will come on October 15 and will be a 1437 calendar year.

Its beginning is the Islamic calendar of Hijra takes 16July 622 AD. According to the holy scripture, the day of the transfer of the Prophet Muhammad (Mohammed) and the first true Muslims from the sacred city of Mecca to another Muslim holy city of Medina, located in the western part of the Peninsula of Saudi Arabia, occurred. Therefore, on the first day of the new year, Muslims around the world are sure to read in the mosques the Koran and the sermon on the transfer of the great prophet Muhammad.

Customs of the Muslim New Year


According to the lunar calendar of Hijri, the first month of Muharram- sacred or in translation from Arabic "forbidden", during which Allah prohibits any war, conflict and blood feud. On how the Muslim will spend the month of Muharram, the whole of his next year depends. According to the Quran Muharram - this is the time for worship and repentance.

The first ten days of the new year are consideredblessed by Allah Himself. These days, Orthodox Muslims designate weddings, start building houses, open a business and other initiatives that ensure prosperity and prosperity to the family.


The first month of New Year on the calendar of Hijra is the time of mandatory fasting for all Muslims. According to the Quran in the post, a righteous Muslim should strictly refuse the following:

  • food and water

  • smoking tobacco

  • entertainment

  • bathing

  • sexual intimacy

  • inhaling of incense

New Year in the Muslim Calendar of 2015

That is, something that can be distracted fromrepentance and service to Allah. However, it should be noted that all of these prohibitions are valid only before sunset. Fasting begins again with the advent of a new day, when it is possible to distinguish "white thread from black", i.e. shortly before sunrise.

New Year's table for Muslims

The Muslim New Year in 2015, as before, obliges Muslims to put on the festive table seven products, whose name begins with the Arabic letter "syn":

  1. Sabzeh - sprouted sprouts of lentils or wheat (13 days later it is thrown into the river)

  2. Samana - pudding from sprouted wheat with sugar (symbolizes a new life)

  3. Sib - apple (a symbol of health and beauty)

  4. Senged - the lotus dried fruit (the symbol of love)

  5. Sire - healing garlic

  6. Somak - red berries (a symbol of the victory of good over evil)

  7. Serkeh - vinegar (the personification of patience and wisdom)

New Year in the Muslim Calendar of 2015

New Year dishes are usually decorated with fresh mint sprigs.

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