Gifts for a weddingChoosing a wedding gift is not an easy task, after allplease the newly-married couple is not so simple. Of course, household appliances are useful, but not always it is necessary for the bride and groom. How to donate money for the wedding, many of us know - a beautiful envelope and a few warm words will do their job.

But what to give for the wedding except for money, we will tell you this time.

Ideas for gifts for a wedding

Everything that is made by you personally, without a doubtwill be original. Popular today's hand made presents are not popular with everyone, but if you know for sure that young people will be delighted with your wedding gift made by yourself, here are some beautiful ideas.

Sweet handmade cake or a bouquet of sweets today, no one is surprised, but if you competently combine sweets, bills and some small surprise - it can turn out quite worthy.

For example, in such a cute sailer you canhide not only sweets or bills, but also some silver jewelry for the bride and groom. These can be pendants or pendants, small icons or just key chains with jewels.Gifts for a wedding

Usually at a wedding the young cut the weddingcake, and you can present here such unsweetened cake from bonbonierok, in each of which is hidden some small present. For example, a bundle of dollars with an interesting poem-wish, a horseshoe for luck of precious metals, a souvenir mini-set of silver cutlery, tickets for two on a romantic trip or a certificate of buying your own star in the sky, pocket watch and so on. Well, if a girl is waiting for a baby, in such boxes you can hide gifts for the child - socks, cap, sliders, toys and much more.

Surprise the young - make such a cake with other guests, and let everyone hide in his bonbonniere a small present.Gifts for a wedding

One of the best gifts for the wedding will be a wedding photo album in the technique of scrapbooking. Here is a masterpiece you can create with your own hands.Gifts for a wedding

Portraits or paintings can also come to mindnewlyweds. Consult with the artists, perhaps, a family picture-portrait of newlyweds in the style of pop-art will become a favorite thing in the house of lovers. A photo collage on canvas is another excellent idea of ​​a gift for a wedding young.Gifts for a wedding

Games for adults, umbrella for two, weddingcrystal, wishes tree, coffee sets, wall clock in the style of "With you and without you", digital photo frame - all these gifts are suitable for a wedding, if you are sure that such a gift will not look like payment for an invitation to a holiday.Gifts for a wedding

All sorts of gadgets, such as a netbook, phone, docking station and others are appropriate as wedding gifts, if only the bride and groom have given you such an order.

It should be noted that all material thingsbored, replaced with new ones, but the impressions remain with you for life, so the best gift for the wedding of the newlyweds will be flying on a balloon or hang-gliding, a trip to the most expensive restaurant in Paris or a visit to the Eiffel Tower, a yacht trip or an ocean liner cruise. In a word, emotions - they are irreplaceable by any other presenters.

Gift to the bridegroom for a wedding from the bride

On the eve of the wedding, not only guests choose giftsfor the young. The newlyweds are also considering what a second half should be. In this case, the choice of a gift is a less complicated task than that of friends, because lovers know each other's passions, have common interests and can easily guess what the partner dreams about.

Always relevant are wedding gifts,related to the hobby of your second half. It can be fishing or hunting, a passion for cars and motor vehicles, photography, and so on. In each of these cases, tips are not needed, because you probably know what your favorite was planning to buy for yourself in the near future.

In addition to thematic gifts, closely related tohobbies of the beloved, we offer all brides a few weeks before the wedding enroll in a dance school. Whether it's rumba, hip-hop or even striptease - the surprise and delight of a partner is worth it!

If your spouse appreciates old things, give him an unusual pocket watch or a rare chronoscope.Gifts for a wedding

Jewelry, for example, cuff links, clamps ontie or for money - a worthy gift for the wedding of the bridegroom from the bride. A ring with a precious stone, for example, a sapphire, also will not leave the groom indifferent.Gifts for a wedding

According to tradition, the present to the groom from the bride should not be too expensive, and should carry something personal that binds only the two of you. It could be tickets to your first movie in the movies.

Wallet, sweater, keychain with engraving, sessionThai massage, tickets for the match of your favorite team, a studio recording of your own song about love for the chosen one - as you see, the ideas of original gifts to the groom are many. And the most unexpected, and perhaps the most welcome surprise for the groom will be your recognition of pregnancy, because every man dreams of becoming a father and growing a worthy successor of the family.

Listen to the heart, because it knows exactly what your fiance thinks!

Gifts for the bride from the groom

Like the bride, the bridegrooms start looking for gifts to their beloved long before the wedding. What kind of gift should a bride be for a wedding?

As a rule, the bride groom's surprise is expensive,talking about immeasurable love and great respect for his lady. Gold necklaces, rings, various jewelry individually can be presented for any other holiday. And since the wedding is the most important day in the life of the bride, do not skimp on the magic set. Earrings, a pendant and a ring made according to your own design is one of the best gifts for a bride's wedding.Gifts for a wedding

Every girl dreams of a star with her name, and the groom can make a bride such a gift. In addition, a romantic journey or poem will also be received with enthusiasm.

If you do not need to think about home appliances, a crystal vase with an original decor, expensive kitchen items, silver cutlery will be an excellent gift to the bride.Gifts for a weddingGifts for a wedding

A carriage with horses or a limousine with champagne,flowers and chocolate is also a good option for the bride's gift to the bride. But, as you know, there are not many gifts to a woman, that's why she will make the wedding day a real day of surprises for your chosen one.

If a girl loves books, give herencyclopedia of erotic massage. Be sure, such a gift lady will appreciate, and on the wedding night you can start to study the book together.

Do you admire your favorite painting? Order an unusual painting by a famous master. Let it decorate your room or the office in which the bride works.

Wedding gifts can be comic. If your partner has a good sense of humor, you can present him with a cartoon, pair of T-shirts, handcuffs for role-playing games, linen with scenes from the Kama Sutra, or even a piggy bank for two, divided into halves "husband" and "wife." To cheerful gifts also it is possible to carry a driver's license which allows to drive a children's carriage, a coffee maker with one pair of slippers in the set - after all the family should be friendly, and coffee should be served in turn in turn. A nice humorous gift for the wedding will be a brick adorned with a satin bow - it symbolizes the first step in the construction of a new house and hearth.

The end of the festive day can be fireworks or a fire show with the participation of the newlyweds, after all surprises do not only the groom and the bride, but also the guests.

It can not be forgotten that in addition to the present itselfit is also important how it is presented. A gift for a wedding needs to be formalized accordingly. Ideally, if it fits into the style of the wedding, but if you do not know what the young are preparing for the guests, connect your imagination - it will tell you how to arrange a wedding gift.

That's so different can be wedding gifts. Choose one that will appeal not only to you, but also to the young, but do not forget - the wedding should be easy, and gifts should not allude to future life and gray routine.

Have a merry triumph!

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