How to determine if the phone is tapped
On detective films we know that phonesare often tapped. But rarely think about the fact that our mobile can listen to strangers. And, everyone has long been accustomed to the fact that all such devices are tapped by special services, but this does not frighten anyone. Firstly, in everyday life you are unlikely to have conversations that law enforcement agencies may be interested in. And secondly, they just record information from your mobile, and only a special court order will be able to listen to it.
However, as it turned out, spyware formobile thing is very common. Even popular operators, such as MTS, can not give a full guarantee that such a software will not be installed on your phone. To listen to your conversations can be too curious boss, jealous spouse or even intruders who want to clean your house.
How to determine if the phone is tapped
Connecting spyware directlyIt acts on the device itself and the quality of the connection. Therefore, if you notice some of the signs below, it is worthwhile to consider whether outsiders listen to your conversations.
The battery runs out quickly. If you do not use the phone more than usual, and you have to charge it more often, it is possible that it has a spyware program for wiretapping. After all, in fact, in such conditions, it serves not only as a means of communication, but also as a kind of dictaphone that can record all conversations in the room simply by lying on a table or in your pocket.
Hot battery. Try to touch the battery after a long time did not talk and did not use it at all. If the battery is at least a little warm or hot, it means that even in a state of calm it worked.
Unusual device activity. When you turn off the phone can long "slow down" or refuse to turn off at all. It may also be that he arbitrarily turns on and off the lighting, by themselves programs and applications are installed via the Internet.
Interference with other devices. If you are talking on the phone close to the TV, and the screen is noisy, you can be sure that your phone is listening. But in this case, it's better to check their availability, just by bringing the phone to the TV without using it.
Extraneous noise. The phone that is listening is not very good for communication. You will constantly hear echoes, extraneous sounds, voices or even clicks. Perhaps this is just a bad connection, but if this happens all the time, it's worth thinking about.
What to do if you find these symptoms
First of all, you should find out who canneed your personal conversations and correspondence. If you do not consider yourself to be so rich and successful that criminals can follow you, try to misinform your secret listener. Tell someone by phone about something imaginary-secret for you. If the information emerges after a while, you can be sure of having a wiretap and quietly contact the police.
Let's notice that to run to law enforcement officers with the firstcaught suspicion is not worth it. They do have hardware that can detect the presence of foreign devices or programs in your computer. But they will not be at all glad if you waste time in vain. Therefore, it is better to first make sure of the correctness of your guesses, take the phone to the repair and service department, and even if after that the strange signs do not disappear, contact the police.