Games with alcohol for the party: beer pongGames with alcohol - an indispensable attribute of many New Year parties. The "assortment" of such games is very wide - drunk games can be sports, intellectual, card, and desktop. We want to talk about the game with a drink, very popular in the US. It is called beer pong.

Beer pong (perhaps the most accurate translation will be "beer pong") - an alcoholic game popular on American student (and not only) parties. Play it in two teams of 2-4 people in each. If there are many people at the party, usually several teams are formed: two teams play, and the others wait for their turn to take the place of the retired team.

For this game with alcohol, you need a table (the ideal option is a ping-pong table, but if not, an ordinary large table is also suitable), plastic glasses, beer and ping-pong balls. Glasses are exposed in the form of a triangle at both ends of the table (like billiard balls) and filled with beer. The number of glasses in the rules is not clearly stipulated, but usually 6 or 10 glasses are used.

The goal of the player is to hit the ping-pong ball in one of the glasses of the opposite team, without knocking it over. You can just try to hit the balla glass "from the hand", but you can try sending a ball into the glass with a bounce off the table (but it should not hit your field, but the opponent's field, otherwise you will not get hit). The team that first gets into all the glasses of the opposing team wins.

When you hit a glass in a glass, one of the team members, in whose glass they hit, should drink it to the bottom. Empty glass is removed, and the right of flow passesto the team that lost the glass. In case of a miss, the right of submission is also received by the opposing team. In other words, teams are served in turn, and the turn-on queue within the team is determined by the players themselves.

There is another version of the game: when it enters the glass, its contents are drunk and an empty glass is returned to the triangle. If the opposing team knocks an empty glass at the throw, it is removed from the table. When you hit the ball into an empty glass, the team that gets to drink one of your glasses.

If the team did not hit the glass, but overturnedhim, she must give one of her glasses instead of the one shot down. If a player accidentally knocks down a glass of his team (whether during a throw or not), he is removed from the table, and a member of the team who served at the time must drink a glass. Besides, the right of submission passes to the opposite command. If the glass has not fallen, but just been moved, it should be carefully returned to its place.

When the team has five glasses, of which the triangle is newly formed. In the same way, if there are three glasses left on the table.

Twice per game, each team is entitled to a so-called double throw. Team members throw balls at the same time. If both fall, members of the opposite team drink both "knocked out" glasses, and the casting team gets the right to one more serve. If at least one of the players misses, the right of submission passes to the opposing team.

An additional advantage in the game are girls. Three times a game a girl can use the right blow out a ball in a glass in five seconds, which are counted out loud. If there are two girls in the team, they have five attempts to blow out the ball for two.

Of course, these are only approximate rules of this gamewith alcohol: they vary greatly from company to company, no one forces them to stick to them "from and to." However, if you decide to play beer pong, it is very important to clearly formulate the rules before the game starts, while still more or less sober, and choose a fair judge, so that the fun game at the party does not turn into an ugly quarrel.

We also want to recall that Alcohol abuse can lead to extremely unpleasant consequences. So do not get carried away playing beer pong, notpour full glasses or replace the beer in all or at least in the glass with soft drinks. And, of course, do not allow playing games with alcohol to a minor.

Games with alcohol for the party: beer pong
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