New Year guessings 2013

New Year, the cherished December 31 - is not onlyan excuse to get together at the table with the closest people, uncork a bottle of champagne and treat yourself to delicious dishes, but also a holiday that has been considered magical since ancient times. It is on the night of the New Year, along with Christmas Eve and Saints, signs and fortune-telling that helps an observant person to find out what he is destined for - what the upcoming new year is preparing for him. Dozens of New Year, Christmas and Christmas fortune-telling can be found on, and the Country of Soviets will tell you about the most truthful and popular divination.

Divination with champagne

Champagne is a traditional symbol of the New Year: meeting the coming year with family or friends, with loved ones or colleagues, we are necessarily opening a bottle of champagne. With the help of this magic drink, you can not only create a festive atmosphere of the New Year, but also learn your destiny - there are many divination, for which champagne is useful, and the Country of Soviets will tell about one of them.

This divination with champagne is designed for executiondesires: before you sit down at the festive table, write on your piece of paper your most intimate desire - something for the sake of which you do not feel sorry for anything. Never lose a piece of paper, and when the clock begins to beat the coveted 12 times, burn it, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink the chimes. It is very important to do all the manipulations with champagne before the clock strikes 12 and the New Year comes - otherwise the desire you have envisioned will not come true.

Love divination in New Year's Eve

Very often people who turn to divination,interesting love questions, and the night of the New Year - this is the time when with the help of special fortune-tellers you can predict the fate not only for yourself, but also for your loved one. One of the most popular fortune-telling for the New Year is a fortune-telling for a soul mate. On New Year's Eve, pour into a glass or a small vase of ordinary clean water and sprinkle a pinch of sugar, salt and ashes. After that, dip a strand of your hair (3-4 hairs) into the water and a strand of your loved one's hair. Guessing is designed to show whether you will be happy together: if you wake up in the morning, you see that the hair strands are mixed - then you and your loved one will be together, if the hairs are blurred on the water individually - one of you will have to face the betrayal of another.

New Year and Christmas fortune-telling on maps

One of the easiest ways to find out your destiny- this is fortune telling on maps. This method is useful even for those who can not guess in principle - card layouts are very simple, and predicted by cards often comes true. It is very important: you need to guess on the night of New Year or Christmas, because these nights are special, not like everyday life. For divination, it is better to use a new deck of cards that have not yet been played.

The balance of desire

Thoroughly shuffle the deck of cards, remove your left hand to yourself and spread the cards fan, shirt up. Make a wish that should be fulfilled in the New Year, and take one card out of the set.

The meanings of the maps in this divination:


  • THUS - do not hesitate, next to you there is a person who loves you

  • KING - do not worry, everything you have said will turn out

  • DAMA is a witness that someone is closely watching your actions

  • VALET - next to you there is a man who is always happy to see you

  • TEN - you have a person who loves you hotly

  • Eight - your problems will be solved by a stranger, an outsider

  • SEVEN - be extremely careful, you take a lot of risk

  • ШЕСТЕРКА - give up your intentions, they threaten you with big troubles


  • ACU - what you are planning, unfortunately, will not come true

  • KING - be careful, someone wants to deceive you

  • DAMA - you will face an insult

  • VALET - your jealousy is completely groundless

  • TEN - good work, and sadness will leave you

  • NINE - what torments you, will soon disappear

  • EIGHT - someone will bring you joyful news

  • SEVEN - do not worry, the situation will soon change for the better

  • SHESTERKA - let the fragile happiness do not deceive you, you will face treason


  • ACE - erroneous actions will deprive you of the hope of success

  • KING - to achieve something, it's worth hurrying, procrastination is dangerous

  • DAMA - a well-deserved reward awaits you

  • VALET - the actions of a loved one will make you sad

  • TEN - do not make friends with new people, they will disappoint you

  • NINE - you are waiting for the bad news

  • EIGHT - one of your loved ones will soon fall ill

  • SEVEN - soon a successful, successful period will begin

  • SHEESTERKA - foretells some kind of surprise


  • THUS - trust other people's words, they are truthful

  • KING - you are waiting for pleasant news

  • DAMA is a very good sign: you are waiting for the fulfillment of desires

  • VALET - do not waste your efforts in vain

  • TEN - happiness is near

  • NINE - do not share secrets with others, keep your secrets with you

  • EIGHT - you are trapped in danger

  • SEVEN - help will come from the unexpected side

  • ШЕСТЕРКА - your relatives expect news from you

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