New Year's SignsSurely everyone knows the phrase "How to celebrate the New Year, so you will live it." It can be safely called a New Year's sign, in which very many believe. And are there other New Year's signs? Undoubtedly, we will tell about them in this article.

Basically New Year's signs are connected with New Year celebration. Many believe that the way we meet the Newyear, will help us to "program" our lives for the next 12 months. It is not known whether the New Year's signs have any foundation or they were just invented. In any case, it will be interesting to get acquainted with them.

To the coming year was a successful financial plan, you should not lend money before the New Year -it is believed that then you will have to be in debt the whole next year. If there is money in the house, the year will be successful, and you will not know the need. If on December 31 there is no money in the house, then the next year you expect financial problems. To attract money, put a couple of coins or even bills in the costume of your New Year's attire.

Also that in the coming year you are always accompanied by home welfare, before the New Year can not bear dirty linen from the hut -This sign can be interpreted both literally and figuratively. Still it is impossible to erase: it can bring trouble on one of members of your family. To the family the whole year did not know the grief and was preserved in full force, in the old days ropes were bound around the legs of the festive table.

If in the New Year you suddenly raspihalis - do not worry, this is for luck. The last glass from a bottle, poured and drunk on New Year's Eve, is also capable of bring luck the one who drinks it. Another New Year's sign says that to receive a December 31 letter - fortunately.

To ensure that the year was successful, and there was always prosperity in the house, it is necessary to meet him at new clothes with a feast-packed meal at the festive table. If on New Year's Eve you will be in a new outfit, then you will walk in new clothes for a year. And on the New Year's table must be a loaf and salt - to well-being. However, if you meet a new year with a small company, an abundant table is useless. Then you can cheat by placing a mirror in front of the table - the table will seem twice as large!

Some New Year's signs are associated with making wishes and fighting chimes. For example, while chimes are being struck, you need to writedesire on a small piece of paper, burn it, put the ash in a glass and drink champagne until the last blow - the desire will certainly come true! And that the year was happy, a minute before the battle of the chimes you need to take an orange or a tangerine, peel it from the peel and put it under the tree.

Meet the New Year you need noisily - with songs, screams and crackers. Our ancestors believed that loud sounds would help to scare away the house of evil spirits. When meeting the New Year, be sure to try to appease the animal patron of the next year. In 2011 it will be Rabbit or Cat, so the rabbit on the New Year's table is better to replace with fish. And at 12 am you can amicably rumble.

If the morning of 1 January the first person to enter the house will be a man,the year will be happy. But if the first woman enters the house, the coming year will be troublesome. On the first day of the new year it is advised not to engage in hard work, otherwise you will not be able to rest the whole next year.

To believe or not to believe in New Year's signs isyour own business. But if you leave all the problems last year and join the new year with a smile on your face, and on New Year's Eve have fun, forgetting about quarreling and trouble, then the next 12 months you will certainly be all right, because a positive attitude is capable scare off any difficulties!! And New Year's signs here absolutely at nothing.

New Year's Signs
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