A comic New Year horoscope. Part 1

Just stand up and read New Year's horoscopeGuests can not. It should still be properly filed. Say a small opening speech (you can even solemn) about how the stars will affect the life of each representative of the Zodiac sign next year.
Aries. New Year's horoscope warns that inNext year you should try to avoid clashes with the bosses who were born under the sign of Aries. To minimize all risks, you should yourself become a high-ranking official. To achieve this goal much faster, try to bypass all the new gates.
Taurus. New Year's horoscope for Taurus promises that innext year they will be all right in a loving plan. After all, all the Taurus fall in love very easily. Especially in yourself. If you want to change something in this regard, then do it! In the end, it's enough to sit in the sydney and wait for something to happen to you. For all the comments that you are not trying enough, respond sarcastically. Remember that the best defense is an attack. Here and attack with the words: "And you do it yourself, that you stick to others ?!"
Twins. Everyone knows that Gemini - great loversconstantly chatting. Sometimes your chatter will bother people around you. But do not despair: you always have your second half - your twin. Here to it you and can tell everything, that at you has become painful, and as you are offended by other signs of the Zodiac. In the most severe cases, your second half can escape. Do not even try to look for it. Vseravno nothing and no one will find. And if you do, then it will be only a quarter. In any case, try to sit below the grass and quiet water. And then people will misunderstand ...
Cancer. New Year's horoscope for Cancers promises you inNext year numerous new acquaintances. In order not to miscalculate with the company, bypass all the ponds, because there you have all the chances to get acquainted with the swan and pike. Do not be friends with them, so that you are not harnessed in full. All Cancers next year should be very careful on Thursdays. Why? Yes this is a fish day. And if you do not bring the fish ... Hide!
a lion. What does the New Year horoscope promise for Lviv? Next year you will always be on top: you are the king of beasts. To not fall from this height, try to find a suitable job: a zoo or a hunting farm. If you can not get settled there, on an extreme occasion, any animal farm will come down. Already there, you can growl at all who you just catch your eye.
Virgo. New Year's horoscope warns Dev that innext year they should be careful. Girls generally need to be very vigilant. After all, you can be a virgin all your life, but a girl is unlikely. And most importantly, even if you have already divorced two times, you have three or four children in your arms, all men not the first date should be told that you are a Virgin. They are very flattered by such a company.
Such a comic horoscope for 2012 is presented only for the six signs of the zodiac. In the next part of the article, you will learn what to fear other representatives of the zodiac circle.