Vacation in October: where to go?

In our latitudes, October is the time of cooling andrains, so if you are interested in rest in October, you will have to go abroad. The Black Sea coast and Mediterranean countries, which were favorites for tourists in September, are slowly losing ground: air and water become colder, rains begin. And here in Turkey and Egypt The summer heat drops, in October it is quite comfortable.
There are many reasons to spend a vacation in October inthese countries. First, rest in Egypt and Turkey is quite accessible: at the same level of service, a trip to one of these countries will not be much more expensive than a trip to the Black Sea. Secondly, Turkey and Egypt can boast of developed tourist infrastructure. Young couples, families with children, youth companies - all will be able to find an option to their liking.
If Turkey and Egypt seem to you a banal and jaded option, it is worth paying attention to exotic countries. How about a vacation in October? in Malaysia or on the island of Mauritius? There you will find picturesque landscapes, andbeautiful beaches, and interesting sights, and the delights of civilization: shopping centers, restaurants, clubs. But it is better to go to Malaysia in early October - later there, as in Vietnam and Indonesia, the season of tropical downpours begins.
You can also relax on the sea in October in Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Israel, Morocco. But keep in mind that in United Arab Emirates October is the holy month of Ramadan,so that restrictions on the functioning of entertainment facilities may slightly spoil your holiday. In fact, in Dubai, many restrictions on the tourist zone do not apply.
AT Tunisia In October, there may be short-term rainsand cloudy days, but most of the time the weather still stands warm and sunny. So grab a few warm things and enjoy the rest. But in Morocco, despite the evening coolness, rainpractically does not happen. But at the end of October in Morocco it is better not to travel with young children: small storms are safe for adults, but the child does not need to swim in the sea.
Vacation in October in Jordan or Israel will help you not only to relax, but alsoHealth: The Dead Sea is famous for its medicinal properties. But at the Dead Sea resorts there can be a significant difference in daytime and night temperatures, so do not forget to take warm clothes. In Israel, apart from the Dead Sea, you can also relax on the Red Sea - in Eilat until the middle of October, dry and hot, but quite comfortable weather, and the water temperature reaches + 27 ° C.
If you do not like beach rest (and sometimes it is), you can spend your vacation in October in excursion tours. In many European countries at this timeremains warm, but not hot weather. Spain and Italy at this time attract tourists no longer beaches, and their attractions. The influx of tourists falls in autumn, and excursions bring much more pleasure.
By the way, in the Italian city of Perugia in October passes festival of chocolate "Eurochocolate" - sweet things you can not miss such an event! And if you spend your vacation in October in Germany, you have a chance to visit the famous Oktoberfest. However, in 2011 it begins early enough, on September 17, and will capture only the first three days of October. But if you take a vacation in early October, you will still have time to catch the last day of the Oktoberfest - October 3, the Day of Unification of the GDR and the FRG.
If your vacation falls at the end of October, and you do not like the heat, but like extreme, you can go to ski resorts in Austria, Italy, Switzerland and Norway. In Austria, for example, in the middle of the month there is a season opening for snowboarders. In the resort town of Feichten, on this occasion, there is a party.
As you can see, vacation in October is not necessarysadness and rainy cloudy weather. There are a lot of places where you can go in October and have a good rest, having gained impressions until your next vacation. And where would you like to rest in October?