Where to go on holiday in September?Usually we try to guess so thatanother vacation was in the summer. But it does not always work: someone must work in the summer months! Therefore, sometimes you have to go on vacation in autumn and think: where can you spend vacation in September?

In fact, September is not the worst time for rest. The weather is still warm enough, but not hot, the influx of tourists is falling, and prices for vouchers, excuses, services and souvenirs are falling. Plus there is a psychological moment: it's nice to realize that you are resting when most people are working or studying.

Where can I spend my holiday in September? First of all comes to mind, of course, the sea - what leave without a beach? This is not the worst option. September is a velvet season, when the heat subsides, and the water in the sea is still warm. In addition, in September there is a chance to "grab" yourself a burning tour and save a good amount.

But, planning a vacation in September at sea, it is worth take into account some of the nuances: the duration of the velvet season and the peculiarities of the climate in different countries, the degree of difficulty in obtaining a visa and the popularity of the chosen country among tourists.

So, in Bulgaria, the velvet season lasts until the secondweek of September, in Montenegro and southern Croatia - until the middle of the month. In some resorts in Spain, from about the 10th, it's getting colder, rains begin. The velvet season lasts long enough in Cyprus, Italy and Greece. And there is Malta, France, Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Slovenia. True, in the Mediterranean countries in late September, rains are possible, but not long.

However, it should be noted that if you decide to spend a holiday in September in Greece, Italy or some other European countries, you will need Schengen visa. Visa to Cyprus, Egypt, Tunisia or Turkey is easier, but recently they are very popular among tourists, so it's worth taking care of purchasing a ticket in advance.

Those who for some reason do not want to rest in the far abroad can come resorts in the Crimea, the Azov Sea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. In September, these resorts most often attract not fans of travel, and those who want to rest during their vacation - combine business with pleasure.

If the beach and the sea are not included in your vacationplans, you can spend a vacation in September in Europe. Many European cities are especially beautiful in the autumn, besides, the absence of crowds of tourists will give you the opportunity to fully enjoy the architecture. Excursions at this time are usually cheaper than in the summer. In many countries, season of sales - this opportunity not to use sin.

In addition, in autumn many countries arefestivals, holidays and events for which you would not have a chance to get there, if you go on vacation all summer. A holiday in September will allow you to visit, for example, the famous Oktoberfest in Munich: despite its name, this beerThe festival starts in September and lasts until the first Sunday in October. In 2011, Oktoberfest will start on September 17, and will end on October 3, the Day of German Unity (the union of the FRG and the GDR).

In the third weekend of September in 49 European countries are the so-called European Heritage Days. These days are open to the publicMonuments and other cultural sites, usually closed to the general public. Some countries may change the dates of the Heritage Days, but it is usually a weekend in the first half of the autumn: mostly in September, less often in October.

So vacation in September will not necessarily be boring and dull: you have at your disposal a warm sea with sandy beaches, and picturesque European cities. The main thing is to plan everything in advance, so that no force majeure will overshadow your well-deserved rest.

Where to go on holiday in September?
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