Contests for women on March 8: poems, congratulations

We did not have time to celebrate on February 23, asthere are only a few days until March 8. Someone will celebrate this holiday at home, with the family, but many certainly prefer to arrange a friendly party. So that it does not turn into a banal feast, we offer you competitions for March 8.
Who should participate in these competitions? Some believe that once a women's holiday, let the women and compete. And others are sure that on their day women should rest and watch how men compete. As a compromise, we will offer you competitions on March 8 for both men and women - and you already decide for yourself, which you prefer.
Contests for March 8 for men
Queen of beauty
Some men like to watch beauty contests: well, where else can you admire the shapely beauties bathing suits? Now let them puff for their interest in other women: on March 8 they will have to play the role of participants in the beauty contest.
For this competition you need to prepare kitswomen's clothing and wigs by the number of participants (do not forget about tights and shoes on the heel), if desired, you can include in this set and makeup (if you do not mind it). Clothes stacks on stools, participants become near stools.
The host includes music, and for a whileplays a song, participants must dress in women's clothes ("prepare for the show"), and if there is cosmetics - and make up. The winner is not the fastest "beauty", but the most beautiful one. It is chosen by voting. And those who stayed in the loser will have to dance a striptease.

Dance of small swans
Dance of small swans in a male performance -one of the most popular gifts for women on March 8. Why not turn it into a fun contest for men? To do this you need feathers (you do not have to pluck the swans, you can do chickens), hairpins and two stools.
Players split into two teams with an equalnumber of participants. On the floor there is a start line, and on the finish line, stools are placed on which the feathers are attached, attached to the barrettes. The presenter includes music from "Swan Lake", the beginning of the music serves as the start to the relay race.
One player from each team must danceto the stool with a ballet step, take a feather from it, attach it to your hair, and return to the start line in the same way. There he "selects" the second participant, and they are already together, crossed their hands, like in ballet, rush to the stool. The second participant takes a feather, attaches it to the hairstyle, they return after the third participant, etc. The team wins, all participants of which are the first to "flaunt".
To make the competition more fun, you can arrange on the way "swans" "reeds" (obstacles), and the participants dress up in ballet tutus.
Competitions on March 8 for women
Princess on the Pea
The princess on the pea was famous for the fact thatI felt a small pea through several featherbeds. And how sensitive are our princesses? This contest will help to check. For him you will need chairs and handkerchiefs for the number of participants and a few kilograms of potatoes.
The facilitator invites participants to check, as wellWhether they are sensitive, like a princess on a pea, and whether they are worthy of the title of princesses. For this purpose, several potatoes are put on each chair, which are covered with a handkerchief (participants do not need to know how much potatoes lie on their stools).
At the signal of the leading participant each one sitshis chair. From the task - "the fifth point" to determine exactly how much potatoes lie on their chair. Those participants who were able to accurately calculate the amount of potatoes are declared real princesses, and receive prizes.
To complicate the competition, instead of potatoes, you can use buttons, large beads or caramels in a wrapper.
Chocolate Girl
Most women love chocolate, but very rarely please themselves with their favorite treat. But once a year, on a holiday, you can not deny yourself! For lovers of sweet - the next contest.
For him, you need to cook a lot of sweets from the verydifferent fillings (nuts, marmalade, nougat, airy rice, candied fruits, coconut, caramel, etc.). Sweets are divided into identical sets by the number of participants. Before each participant put a plate with a set of sweets, put a pen and a piece of paper.
The task of the participants is to taste all the sweets,determine them in the filling and write down the results of the tasting on the sheet (best if the candy will be of different shapes - then it is convenient to write in which candy which stuffing). The winner is the participant, who first correctly determined the taste of the filling of as many candies as possible.