Verses for mom on March 8
Funny contests for girls on March 8 at school

Preparing the celebration on March 8 at school -It is not an easy task for children and teachers. We need to prepare cards and gifts for mothers, rehearse the festive show, come up with a competitive program, play games, take care of food and gifts ... To help you with the preparation of the holiday, we offer you competitions on March 8 at school.

Contests on March 8 in the school can be the mostdifferent: intellectual and mobile, for girls, for boys and for all at once. The choice of competitions depends on the age of the children. Of course, there are a lot of contests for March 8 in the school. We offer you only a few of them - we think that at least a couple will suit you exactly!

Contests for elementary school children

Flowers for Mom

This competition is suitable for students of lower grades. Both boys and girls can participate in it. For him you will need scissors for the number of teams and colored paper or napkins.

Verses for mom on March 8
Funny contests on March 8 at the girls' school

Participants in the game are divided into several teams (betteronly 2-3, not more) with the same number of participants. On the floor there is a start line, and on the finish line there are tables with scissors and colored paper (napkins), each team has its own table.

At the signal of the presenter, the first participant from the teamruns to the table, cuts out a paper flower and returns to the team. Then another participant runs to the table, also cuts out a flower ... We think you understood the principle. The winner is the team whose members will be able to cut their flowers fastest.

That children do not make flowers hastily, and triedcut beautifully, you can also assess the accuracy and beauty of the resulting flowers in addition to the speed. After the end of the competition, children give flowers cut to their mothers.

Contests for the holiday on March 8 for high school students


For this competition, participants are broken up into pairs of boy + girl. You need to prepare in advance aprons, scarves and flowers (can be artificial) in terms of the number of pairs involved.

On the floor there is a start line. On this line become participating couples. On the finish line, chairs are placed according to the number of pairs, an apron, a headscarf and a flower are put on each chair. At the signal of the leader, the boys run to the chairs, take an apron, go back to the girls and put an apron on them. Then they just run after the handkerchief and the flower. Running with a flower to the girl, the boy should stand on one knee, hand her a flower and say: "Happy holiday!"

The criterion of victory in this competition is not speed, butchivalry and care. If the kerchief and apron are tied in a crooked manner, and the flower was not given, but rather poked into their faces, - such a knight can not be victorious. The winner is the most gallant and caring gentleman.

Brave tailor

This competition is especially for boys. Let them try to put themselves in the girls' place on the girl's day and try to "bail out". Each participant receives a piece of cloth, thread, needle and buttons. At the signal of the presenter, players start sewing buttons to the fabric, at the same time they need to make at least three stitches! After some time, the presenter stops the game and considers how many buttons each participant sewn (and, of course, takes into account the quality of the work). The winner is the participant, who sewn more than all the buttons.

Competition for girls on March 8

The hostess, the guests are waiting!

This contest is more suitable for girls - middle and high school students. It is best to hold it before you sit down at the festive table.

For this competition you need to put tables withchairs. The chairs should be so large that all the students can sit down at the tables. Near each table should be the same number of chairs for girls, so that the contestants were in equal conditions.

Each participant gets her own table. She is given a "set of hospitable hostess": a tablecloth, a biscuit roll (one or several - depending on the number of "guests"), a knife, cups, saucers, spoons, napkins, tea bags, sugar refined sugar.

March 8 at the school
Interesting competitions on March 8 for primary school for girls

At the signal of the lead participant shouldprepare for the reception of guests and cover the table: spread the tablecloth, cut the rolls, place the cups and saucers, put a tea bag in each cup, and on the saucer - a few slices of the refined sugar, spread the spoons. Covering the table, each hostess should invite several guests from among the spectators for him.

The winner is the participant who quickly and accurately covered everyone on the table and was the first to invite guests. It is awarded, and a festive tea party begins.

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