How to choose a depilator

Epilators have long been advertised on TV as a reliable means to get rid of hair for a whole month. You can not believe the advertisement, but it really is. Unlike a conventional razor epilator removes hairs with hair bulbs. To make bulbs grow again, leavesa lot of time. Therefore, you need to do hair removal once a month. The only drawback is pain. Manufacturers try to reduce pain during epilation, so they provide kits with different nozzles. But about this a little later.
First, let's look at the models of epilators. Choose for yourself the model, which you will be comfortable using. Take the epilator in your hand, make sure it lies comfortably. Spread the epilator over the skin idle. You need to make sure that later on you will use the epilator conveniently.
How to choose a depilator: speed and nutrition
Another secret when choosing a depilator is speed of its operation. There are budget models that are equipped with onlyone speed of work. They are inexpensive, but they can not be used on all areas of the skin. It is better to choose models with two or three speeds. Low speed is suitable for epilation on skin areas with thin hairs and where the bones are close to the skin (for example, the knees). With epilation at high speed, thin hairs are not pulled out, as it should be, but simply break. High speed is suitable for epilation of thicker hair. At low they just do not break. In addition, at high speed, painful sensations are reduced.
Now it's worth telling how to choose a depilator in terms of its functionality. A very convenient thing is epilator working in water. With warm water warmed water hairsare removed much easier. Such epilators have a waterproof case, they work from batteries. Naturally, the cost of this epilator will be much more than usual. Also, there are conventional models of epilators that work on batteries or on the power cord. Each model has its own merits.
How to choose a depilator: additional attachments
If you buy a depilator for your homeuse, look at all the attachments that are in the kit. Sometimes you have to buy some nozzles, but it's always better to immediately get what you need. If you are looking for a depilator for intimate places, then take one that has in the kit shaving head. It is used to remove hair in the bikini zone. The principle of the nozzle is comparable to the electric razor for men. The hairs are not pulled out, but cut off.
Cooling is a very useful feature. Epilation of hair with cooling nozzle will be much nicer. You can take special nozzles, which should be filled with water before use and put in a freezer. Also there is nozzles that feed a jet of cold air. In this case, the epilator can be used immediately. There are epilators, which do not include a nozzle, but glove with gel. The working principle of the glove is the same as that of the cooling nozzle. Also to reduce painful sensations will be useful massage nozzle, on which the brushes are located.
Do not forget about the trimmer - specialA device that allows you to trim the hairs to a specific length in places where hair removal is not provided. Among other useful attachments, one can also distinguish nozzle for spot removal of hair, which could remain after epilation. Also useful will be nozzle reducing the number of working tweezers. This attachment can be used to epilate the bikini area and axillary hollows, if you do not want to use the razor function.