Hair Removal by Laser
Laser hair removal is recognized as the safest and most effective tool that helps get rid of unwanted hair on the body.
What is the laser hair removal course
One procedure for getting rid of unwanted hairBy means of the laser it will help to get rid only of those that already exist. But on the human body there are always new ones. The laser does not affect those that have not yet grown. Not surprisingly, after 1-3 months a new fluff appears on the skin. For this reason, experts recommend 4-6 courses of hair removal with a diode laser.
When the laser is most effective
The highest results are provided by a diodelaser. It is successfully used for different types and colors of the skin. But the highest rates can be observed in people with dark hair: by affecting a large number of melanin in the follicle, the laser quickly removes unwanted growth.
The more melanin in the skin, the more effectivelaser hair removal. The dark fluff on the body grows faster than the light one. For this reason, in people with swarthy skin and brunettes, the general course is faster than in the blonde, because their hair grows longer.
Recommendations before laser hair removal
To improve the effectiveness of the procedure, you needPrepare the skin, hair bulbs for laser exposure: you can not sunbathe for 2 weeks before removal, use self-tanning cream, lighten hair or remove them. On the day of the procedure, you need to carefully shave the area, which will soon become smooth.
Hair removal by the laser is for ever!
Do not need every week or a couple of times a monthRemove unwanted vegetation by means of razors or epilation. It is enough to go through a complete laser hair removal course and get rid of the need to spend your time on cosmetic procedures. The benefit of such a procedure is obvious: the skin is freed from regular stress, which guarantees it any other means. Advantages of laser treatment are weighty: after hair removal with its help, one can always forget about cuts during shaving, inflammations, ingrown hairs, redness after epilation.
Are there any contraindications for laser removal?
Cosmetic procedure is not recommended for people withdiabetes mellitus, pregnant women, with exacerbations of infectious diseases, hypertension, varicose veins, tuberculosis, epilepsy, oncology. On a preliminary consultation, which always takes place before laser removal, you can find out if you have any contraindications.
Where can I use laser hair removal?
Remove unwanted fluff with laserit is possible on all parts of the skin. Most often laser hair removal is applied on the face, legs, hands, abdomen. Minimal contraindications, aesthetics of the procedure made laser hair removal a popular means for getting rid of unwanted hair.