Care of suede shoesSuede shoes always look very nice andexquisitely. Modern world brands often produce shoes from suede, because it perfectly emphasizes the beauty and elegance of women's legs. But how to care for suede, not everyone knows. Actually care of suede shoes Do not require a lot of effort from you. You only need to follow certain rules.

Care of suede shoes should begin from the very first day of its purchase. Try not to wear suede shoes and notgo out into it on the street, until you do the primary protective treatment of suede. Buy a special aerosol or nasal spray in the store, designed to care for suede. The use of such an aerosol for suede shoes is very important. This protective agent forms a thin transparent film on the surface of the suede, which does not give dust, dirt, moisture, snow and various chemical reagents to the material. The suede treated with aerosol will get dirty much more slowly. Remember that the primary treatment should be done at least three times. Spray the aerosol and allow the boots to dry completely. In this way, repeat spray treatment two more times.

Suede care may vary depending on the season. In summer you will have to pay a lot moreattention of your shoes. In winter, it is enough to shake off the snow and wipe the boots with a flannel cloth. Leave the shoes to dry completely, only after that you can put on your boots again. Remember that dry suede should be away from any heat sources.

How to care for suede shoes in summer? The streets are very dusty, so the suede is veryquickly loses its original appearance. Clean shoes with a flannel napkin or a special brush for suede. A special foam-cleaner for suede is very effective. When you completely cleaned the shoes, it must be wiped with a solution of a small amount of detergent in warm water. Once again, wipe the suede with a clean damp flannel to remove any remaining powder from the surface. In conclusion, the shoes are again wiped with a dry silk napkin. Now you can leave the shoes to dry.

Of course, clean the suede at home from dirt easily. But here's what to do with the nap, which in timebegins to shine. Such stains completely spoil the appearance of the product. But you can cope with this problem. To do this, you will need ammonia spirit. Dampen a simple cotton swab in the ammonia and take them to the shiny places. Now use the eraser or a special rubber brush to lift the pile over the entire surface of the shoe.

Also Pile can be raised using steam. Completely remove dust and dirt from the shoe and then hold it for several minutes over a saucepan of boiling water. Steam will completely restore the suede structure, and your shoes will look like new.

Suede is very sensitive to light, so it can burn with time. Most of all, summer suede shoes are subject to this problem. Do not get upset if suede has changed its color. Care of suede shoes assumes his complete return. In this you will benefit from various paint-sprays for suede. Do not be stingy and buy only high-quality paints for suede, which will not leave a divorce. The best producer at the moment is Germany.

Prepare your shoes for painting: clean it and dry it. Using a spray, distribute the paint evenly over the entire surface of the suede. Allow the shoe to dry completely. Now you should gently raise the pile of suede. To do this, use the same eraser or rubber brush.

Is there some more several rules how to care for suede shoes, which you need to know. Never use leather shoe care products for suede, otherwise completely ruin the product. Choose means of care for suede not on a synthetic basis. Synthetics easily destroys the structure of suede fibers. Try not to wear suede shoes in wet or rainy weather. High humidity affects the material very badly.

Care of suede shoes
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