How to clean shoes from leather?

That the footwear has served long, for it necessarilyyou need to carefully look after. And especially important is the care of shoes in the spring, because in the rain and slush shoes are particularly susceptible to negative influence. Proper shoe cleaning is the key to good care for her. About, how to clean shoes correctly, tell the Country of Soviets.
Rules for cleaning shoes different for different materials: leather, suede, nubuck. So, to clean shoes from the skin should be using brushes of different stiffness, flannel and woolen rags, wet cleaning is allowed. Shoes from suede and nubuck are cleaned only in dry form with special brushes and sponges.
Clean shoes from the skin should be so. First you need to use a dry brush orrags remove dust and dirt from the shoes. In this case, if the shoes from the skin are soaked, then first you need to dry it, and only then start cleaning. By the way, it should be noted that it is highly desirable to clean leather shoes from the evening, so that overnight shoes are soaked with cream.
So, you can apply a shoe cream to the previously cleaned surface of leather shoes. The cream gives shine shine, protects it, prolongs the service life. For shoes designed for everyday usewearing, you need a cream on organic solvents, which has good water-repellent properties, prevents the dust from settling on the shoes. Water emulsion shoe creams, in turn, are well suited for model shoes.
The cream is evenly distributed over the shoe with a brush, and then after a while on the shoes you needapply wax or aerosol and polish it with a soft brush or special cloth. After that, the shoes must be at least 10-12 hours at rest, so that the same film has time to form, which will reliably protect the skin from harmful effects. That's why the morning shoe cleaning right before going out of the house does not make any sense.
To clean shoes from patent leather should be somewhat differentthan ordinary leather shoes. For varnished shoes, brushes are contra-indicated, such footwear should be periodically lubricated with glycerin (you can also use petroleum jelly or castor oil), applying it with a cotton swab. After that, after 15-20 minutes, excess glycerin can be removed, and shoes should be rubbed with velvet.
For shoes made of white leather, cleaning rules also differ slightly from standard ones. To remove impurities from such shoes, you need toa weak solution of the detergent powder moisten the sponge and with its help remove the dirt. Then, the remains of the detergent should be washed off with water and the shoes wiped dry. In conclusion, you should grease the shoes with a colorless cream.
Properly clean shoes from the skin, which has spots, help some folk remedies. So, to withdraw from the leather shoes a spot can begasoline, onion or lemon juice. White stains from shoes made of leather are removed using conventional table vinegar, and stain from oil paint can be removed with the help of vegetable oil. It is best not to allow "eating" stains, but to remove them immediately.
Literate shoe cleaning from leather will help to retain its original appearance for a long time. Do not forget to clean shoes in time, dry it and then a couple of your favorite boots, shoes or shoes you will not have enough for one season!