How to clean a washing machine
To extend the life of your washing machinemachine, it should be cleaned from time to time. This includes not only the external, but also the internal cleaning of the drum from scale and filter from dirt. The country of the Soviets will tell you how to clean the washing machine.
To breakdown of the washing machine leads not only herimproper operation, but also the presence of scale inside the drum or dirt in the filter. Like any other household appliances, the washing machine should be cleaned of dirt so that it will serve you for a very long time. Let's see how to clean the washing machine.
Every manufacturer of household appliances makesinstruction, which describes the proper care and cleaning. Therefore, before cleaning the washing machine, carefully read the instructions so that you can accurately know all the directions and features of this process.
External cleaning of washing machine
Outside, cleaning the washing machine is very simple.
First, remove any stains that appeared on the body of the machine, using a sponge soaked in a warm solution of dishwashing liquid.
Pay special attention to the door of the car. All the cracks around it should be well cleaned, after all, the largest amount of dirt accumulates in them.
On a note! To clean the door and rubber seal slots, you can use a toothbrush.
But also on this cleaning of the washing machine is notcompleted. In the glass for the powder, the remains of powder or rinse are often retained. Fully pull the glass for the powder (how to do it, will be detailed in the instructions accompanying the machine) and clean it.
The easiest is already behind, now you need to clean the drum and the filter of the washing machine. In this case, we remove all dirt from the filter, and remove the inner part of the drum from scale.
Cleaning the washing machine filter
Why do I need a filter in the washing machine? Naturally, any dirt and hair does not clog the drain hose of the machine. A filter that has not been cleaned for a long time can cause an unpleasant smell from the machine and even lead to its breakage. Therefore, cleaning the washing machine filter is very important.
It is recommended to clean the filter every 3 months.
Open the cover of the panel behind which the filter is located.
Take any sufficiently deep bowl into which you will merge the water from the emergency drain hose.
The drain hose must be emptied before draining the filter.
Make sure that there is no more water in the drain hose, only now you can draw the filter.
On a note! From the filter, a small amount of water can pour out, so just in case, put a rag near the washing machine.
Remove all hair, fluff and other dirt from the filter impeller.
Also look into the filter hole. There may be dirt or other small objects.
Clean the filter hole.
You can insert the filter back.
Cleaning the washing machine drum
The drum of the washing machine is also requiredthorough care. Lime deposits on the inside of the drum often lead to breakage of the washing machine. Therefore, it is simply necessary to remove lime in the washing machine in a timely manner.
You can buy different powders forsoftening of water to use them with each wash from the very first day of operation of the machine, and you will be able to reduce the amount of scale that will be deposited on the TEN. But still, cleaning the drum of a washing machine will never be superfluous.
You can use special expensivemeans or resort to a good proven method: cleaning with citric acid. Cleaning the machine with citric acid does not take you very long.
Fill 6-10 packets of citric acid into a glass for supplying detergent
Turn on the machine for the longest wash mode.
At the same time, set the maximum temperature for washing. If you have a boiling mode, you can use it.
Citric acid is absolutely harmless for TEN and rubber hoses inside the machine. You can clean the machine with citric acid once every six months.
Separately it is worth mentioning that often from the drum of the washing machine an unpleasant smell spreads. To eliminate the smell, you should not only clean the machine and filter, but also to ventilate the drum.
After each wash, leave the machine doorslightly ajar. If you still can not eliminate the unpleasant odor, try pouring a little bleach into the drum and starting washing the machine without laundry.
If you clearly adhere to allinstructions, your machine will serve you for a very long time. And now, when you know how to clean an automatic machine, caring for your equipment will not be very difficult for you.