Diseases of parrots

Unfortunately, from diseases no one is insured, and your pets -also. Incorrect care, nutrition and living conditions in general, make your pets suffer and hurt. Often people forget that in general animals, birds and fish are accustomed to live free, and not in a glass or metal box ...
So, if we took up the content of the pet,be kind enough to provide him with decent living conditions in your territory. If you took a parrot, you should be prepared to have stomatitis, vomiting, goitre, gastroenteritis, constipation, cloacitis, acute and chronic bronchitis, articular and visceral gout, swelling, plucking of feathers, overgrowth of beak and claws, fractures wings and paws, poisoning and lack of vitamins, diseases of reproductive organs in females. And this is not a complete list, but the main diseases.
In appearance, to determine that your parrot is sick, is not particularly difficult. The sick bird is very different from the healthy one. She has severe or rapid breathing, disheveled plumage, a slow reaction to the environment, lethargic movements, refusal of water and food. These signs may indicate different diseases, and often the correct diagnosis can only be made by an experienced veterinarian.
Most often occur diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And they arise when feeding the parrot stalefodder, especially from stale dairy products (cottage cheese, curdled milk, milk). The absence of millet for a long time can also lead to severe stomach disorders. In this case, instead of water, the parrot should be given a weak solution of potassium permanganate (one crystal per liter of water) or oat broth. If it does not help, be sure to consult a specialist.
ABOUTetching - a very serious situation that may entailfor the death of your pet. Therefore, try not to use in the room where there is a parrot, air fresheners, deodorants, varnish, paint, also do not smoke in this room, and buy only quality food in a proven pet store.
Inflammation of the mouth - a stomatitis - it is possible to define or determine at a parrot if heconstantly scratches a beak on a perch and refuses solid feed and nuts. In the mouth of the bird there may be wounds in the tongue and mucous of the oral cavity, a bright scurf on the tongue. This disease occurs in parrots if they injure the oral cavity with acute particles of food, and if they lack vitamins.
Sometimes in internal organs or in skin integuments and plumage parrots get up parasites. The parrot, stricken with worms, grows thin, weakens,becomes susceptible to infectious diseases. Scabies are caused by an itch mite, it affects the skin of the legs and the parrot's feathered part. If the parrot suffers from scabies, the feathers begin to fall out and the skin reddens.
Tumors appear in parrots, mainly in the secondhalf of life. Most often these are lipomas, which consist of adipose tissue and are formed under the skin in the chest area. Surgical methods to get rid of it is difficult, but the drugs ASD-2 and Roncoleukin make it possible to reduce the growth of the tumor and even completely get rid of it. The enlargement of the thyroid gland occurs in sufficiently adult parrots due to a lack of iodine in the body and is characterized by an obvious compaction and swelling in the area under the beak.
Articular gout is characteristic for both small and largeparrots in the second half of their lives. Its causes are the use of a large amount of protein feed and changes in kidney function in birds, because in the joints accumulates an excess amount of salts of uric acid. Joints in parrots become thickened, painful, they appear nodules of white color with reddened vessels and edema.