How to determine the sex of the parrot?Features of parroting and feedingdepend not only on its kind, but also on the sex of the bird. Determine the sex of the parrot is not easy, because in many species of the parrot family, sexual dimorphism is poorly expressed. But still there are ways to do this. How to determine the sex of the parrot?

Perhaps the most popular domestic parrots are wavy parrots and cocks. We devoted an entire article to the definition of sex of wavy parrots, so let's focus on the corals. More or less authentically determine the sex of the parrot corella can be at the age of 12 months. By this time, coloring begins to differ for males and females.

In males of standard (gray color), the color of feathers is pearly-steel, in females - dusty-gray, can have a brown tinge. The head of females is completely gray, in males it has a rich yellow color in front. Also, the males on the cheeks have a "blush" - spots of bright red-orange color, in females it is weakly expressed.

Have Corellum yellow (lutino) it's harder to know sex. But the females at the bottom of the tail have a darker transverse lining of a rich yellow hue, and on the inner surface of the wings there are oval spots of a darker shade than the main plumage. The heaviest determine the sex of white corals. In females, sometimes there is a light lining on the tail and spots on the wings, and males may have brighter cheeks.

Very easy to know sex noble green-red parrots (eclectus), because they are very differentcoloring of females and males - so much that they can be mistaken for different species. The feathering of the female has a red-cherry color, and the abdomen, the lower part of the breast and the margin of the wing are blue-violet. The iris is yellowish, the beak is black, and the legs are bluish. The males are more mottled: the main color is green, and in the plumage there is blue-blue, yellowish-green, red. Iris orange, beak multicolored, legs gray.

Determine the gender parrot parrots you can by the color of the spot on the cheeksbirds. In female rosella, these spots are grayish, and in males - white. The remaining signs are difficult to notice in a single bird, you need to compare the male and female. Males are brighter painted, they have a larger head and a more massive beak.

In males a burnt parrot there is a "necklace" (the rim around the neck), the female of itare deprived. But this rim appears only at the age of 2-3 years, so to know the sex of a young parrot will be difficult. Also in males brighter than females, plumage and beak are colored.

Have rosy-bellied ringed parrots (Alexandrian parrots) It is possible to distinguish a male from a female by the color of the beak. In females, the beak is completely black, the males only have black connecti, and the upper part of the beak has a red color.

The heaviest determine the sex of medium and large parrots (cockatoos, macaws, Jaco and the like.), because they have females and males that look almost identical. It is possible to observe the differences only by comparing two, or better, several birds. Usually the females of large parrots are wider than the pelvis and setting the legs.

The head of females has a more accurate and compact form, in males it is more massive. Also, males have a more massive beak with a widebase. Males are usually more active and talkative than females. And the females are more "economic", they can carry feathers, scraps of paper for the future nest. But all these ways do not give 100% guarantee.

Have light cockatoos you can determine the sex by the color of the iris: in females it is light brown, in males it is dark brown, almost black. But if you do not have much experience in determining the sex of a cockatoo, without comparing two individuals to determine the sex of a parrot the cockatoo may not be so easy.

Unfortunately, it is possible to reliably determine the sex of the parrotvery, very difficult. If the species of parrots does not have obvious differences, as in the eclectus, then a slight difference between males and females becomes visible only after full puberty. And get parrots usually "teenagers", after the juvenile molt, because a young parrot is easier to tame. The most accurate way to know the sex of a parrot is a laboratory examination, but it costs not cheap, and not all clinics conduct such examinations.

How to determine the sex of the parrot?
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