Why do aquarium plants suffer?
In order to avoid problems withthe inhabitants of the aquarium - fish, frogs, newts, etc., it is always necessary to pay attention to the state of water, soil and, of course, aquarium plants. Plants in the "fish house" are very important and perform many useful functions.

All living organisms on earth are sick, and plants -not an exception. Therefore, if you see that the green "friends" of your aquarium are drooping, began to lose their natural color, turn yellow, rot, cease to grow, then the diagnosis is one - they fell ill.

Why? Well, in general, there can be many reasons - and because of the poor quality of water or soil, and because of a lack or, conversely, an oversupply of lighting, and because of the lack of some chemical elements. Many plant diseases can be avoided if you regularly replace water in the aquarium, clean up and monitor the conditions of detention, but if this happens, you need to understand what is the reason.

There are signs of a particular disease. For exampleIf the plant has ceased to grow, it is possible that it lacks carbon, which is often associated with a high pH value for this species. If the roots get sick and turn black, it's in the ground, it's very small and dense. Lack of phosphorus leads to loss of plant leaves, the death of small areas on them. Insufficient lighting makes the stems thin, while the lower leaves fall off, and the upper ones lose their color.

Change in the chemical composition of water or lack of any nutrient leads to the fact that the plants wither and fade,Leaves are covered with small holes. If the leaves are damaged in plants (especially in young plants with a shortened stem and a well-developed root system), then the stagnation of water in the soil is the fault because of its high density. The lack of carbon dioxide has as a consequence a coating of leaves with lime.

Too little leaves appear on the plant - means, they do not have enough power or toostrong lighting. And if the leaves turn yellow, and sometimes become reddish, the reason for this is a lack of nitrogen or sulfur. If the plant does not have enough calcium, then the edges of the leaves begin to turn yellow. On the leaves appear yellow spots, and they fade along the edges due to a lack of potassium.

The lack of magnesium leads to the appearance of yellow spots between the veins of the leaf, then these places die off, leaving behind holes. If the plant lacks iron, then it becomes vitreous, its leaves turn yellow. When the tissues of the leaves turn yellow, and veins remain green, we can say that they lack manganese.

It often happens that cryptocoryne leaves gradually become vitreous, holes are formed, and eventually the plant decomposes together with the petiole. Such a "Cryptocorynal disease" is a puzzle for aquarists and its cause has not yet been established. Although, it is noticed that it often comes as a result of a dramatic change in the conditions in the aquarium.

If the leaves began to decay, they need to be cut, get the remains of plants and change the water in the aquarium to save the root system. Cryptocoryps after a long illnessare restored and, usually, do not reach the same size. Damage to plants can also be caused by the gluttony of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Therefore, when trying to determine the disease of a plant, be sure to check whether your favorite fish or snails have any relation to damage to plants - the signs are in many cases similar. Just observe the behavior of your pets.

In an aquarium, there should not be too many shellfish. They, of course, benefit - eat the remains of food and destroy some species of algae, but, at the same time, consume oxygen, which plants need not less than fish.

Why do aquarium plants suffer?
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