How to choose an aquarium? Memo for beginners

If you decide to start aquarium fish in yourat home or in the office, then, of course, you first need an aquarium. Among the huge variety of shapes and sizes of this wonderful device you need to choose the one that would satisfy the whole list of requirements. So, let's start, perhaps!
First, pay attention: first you need to choose a place for placing the aquarium and only then - himselfaquarium. This approach will allow you to avoid the headache, when the already bought aquarium suddenly "does not fit" where it would be desirable, and therefore it becomes where it is placed. In addition, the location for the aquarium should match the parameters:
- illumination; illumination should be sufficient, but direct sunlight should not fall on the aquarium, otherwise the water will quickly "bloom";
- noise; noise should be as small as possible, the aquarium should be away from doors, passageways, constant sources of noise;
- vibrations; aquarium fish do not care for vibration, so it's better to put the aquarium away from various household appliances (refrigerator, TV);
- accessibility; the aquarium should stand so that it is easy to clean;
- strength; Aquarium with water weighs a lot, so the stand must be strong enough to withstand this weight;
- constancy; fish do not like frequent changes in the location of the aquarium, so you should immediately "figure out" how the aquarium fits into the general interior of the room, will not it then have to move it.
When, taking into account all the above parameters, the location for the aquarium is selected, you can proceed with the choice of the aquarium itself. All aquariums can be divided into several groups by such criteria:
- in size:
- small - less than 25 liters;
- average - from 25 liters to 100 liters;
- large - over 100 liters;
- by the form:
- cubic;
- parallelepipedal;
- round (spherical);
- cylindrical;
- with inclined walls;
- by the method of manufacture:
- all-glass;
- wireframe;
- frameless.
Exist two basic rules, which should be guided when choosing an aquarium. At first, than the width of the aquarium is greater than its height, the greater the surface area of the water and the more oxygen enters the aquarium. Secondly, than the aquarium is smaller, so take care of itmore difficult. This is due to the extreme instability of an artificially recreated aquatic ecosystem. The smaller this ecosystem, the easier it is to disturb its delicate balance.
Thus, choosing an aquarium from thedescribed above criteria, you should consider how this or that form of the aquarium or its size will affect the implementation of these basic rules. So, aquariums of some unusual shape (for example, in the form of a glass) rarely satisfy the first rule, and spherical all-glass aquariums can not be made large, otherwise they will crack. Frameless aquariums do not leak, but since they are usually made of soft materials, they are very quickly covered with scratches. Frame aquariums are strong, but putty in the seams can be toxic to fish, and in the absence of water in the aquarium, this putty dries up and may appear to leak.
Best suits all rules and criteria standard rectangular aquarium. In addition, it easily fits into almost any interior.