The most popular species of cichlids

In total on the globe there are more than 200 species of cichlids, of course, not all of them have become aquariuminhabitants. But, nevertheless, aquariumists do not suffer from the lack of these exotic guests. They give themselves a variety in form, color, behavior and requirements to the conditions of life of fish, among them demasoni, elo, melanochromis, yohany, zebra, aulonokary, kodango, boazulu, cornflowers and many others.
But not too familiar species, judging by the names, is it true? But the scalars and discus - it's already something closer. They are the most popular species of cichlids. Scalar or "angelfish" (as Americans call it) - very impressivedecoration of any aquarium. Imported to Europe, this fish was at the beginning of the last century, and since then has not given up its position among the most "fashionable" inhabitants of the aquarium.
The fish has a discoid, oblate body. The dorsal and anal fins are very high, and the first rays of the ventral fin are very elongated. Scalarias come in all shades of gray with a silvery tint, black matte, gold with a pink tinge. Usually four dark transverse main bands pass through the body, the color of which varies depending on the mood and behavior of the fish.
These fish are amazing with their calmness and grace. They are very peaceful and easily get along with virtually all non-belligerent fish. To maintain the scalar, you will need an aquarium with a volume of 100 liters. The minimum height of the water layer should be about40-50 cm. Plants in an aquarium with a scalar are better to choose larger and harder. The optimum temperature is 24-27 ° C, try also to provide bright lighting, aeration, filtration and weekly substitution of 1/3 of water.
The beauty of the scalars is not inferior at all discus. The name "Discus" comes fromthe Latin word "disc" (disc). And it is not accidental, because these fish actually have a disk form. Once discus was a great rarity among aquarists, now its content and breeding are most enjoyed by most fish lovers. Discussions are a bit like a scalar in that they have a tall body that is also flattened from the sides, but in color these fish are much richer - green, blue, brown with various spots of color, stripes and sparkles.
In general, discus is a schooling fish, so it is better to keep them in groups of 5 pieces. Aquariums must be tall, not less than 45 cm,and the volume is not less than 200 liters. The larger the volume of the aquarium, the easier it is to maintain constant conditions in it - after all, drastic changes have not yet benefited anyone. Discussions need clean water, even with a high content of alkali and hard, but necessarily clean. Every day, changing water, you reduce the dangerous level of ammonia and other poisons harmful to discus. This fish loves heat, so the temperature of the content should be from 28 to 31 C, it is also necessary to blow air.
In the natural habitat of these fish, apart from the dead roots of the trees and the muddy bottom, nothing else exists. Therefore, these fish do not so much need plants and soil. Lighting in aquariums with discus should be slightly muted. Unfortunately, in this case the discus coloring does not look so bright and festive. Much more effective look discus when illuminated by specialized spectral lamps.
For discus you need a varied diet, since monotonous food can make themweak and cause loss of interest in food. During feeding, watch that all the discus eat fully, do not overfeed them, because it not only affects their health, but pollutes the water with the remains of the feed.