Breed of beagle dogs
Breed of beagle dogs today is very popular. Representatives of this breed have small sizes and differ characteristic barky bark. Beagles are so charming and charming that they deserve the love of dog breeders all over the world. The country of the Soviets will tell you in more detail what a beagle dog breed is.

The home of the beagles is England, although it is known that the first dogs, similar tothis breed, lived in ancient Greece and Rome. There are several versions of the origin of the name of the beagle, according to one of which, it is associated with the French word begueule, which literally means "tinned throat".

Beagle dog breed is a beagle breed, its the main purpose is trail hunting, mainly on hares. By nature, bigwigs were funny, bold, determined. They are hardy, energetic, very smart. Aggression beagles in relation to a man do not show, but they are not timid at all.

The growth of dogs beagle can reach 33-40 cm, weight varies from 8 to 16 kg. The beagle has long, rounded ears,reaching almost to the tip of the nose, a strong tail with a white tip, dense, muscular paws. Wool in beagle dogs is short, dense, color can be any of those characteristic of hounds (except hepatic).

Keep beagles can be in ordinary urban apartments, because these dogs are very "compact". However, when keeping in an apartment, it is necessary to provide a good beagle with a good beagle, for which it is necessary to allow the beagle to run more on the street during walks.

If the beagle moves little and, in addition, eats a lot, then the risk of obesity is very high. That's why It is important to ensure that dog beagle dogs do not overeat, in the rest their feeding does not differ from feeding other dogs of hunting breeds.

For a short hair beagles especially care is not necessary. These dogs are neat and tidy, but because they always follow their own purity. Long beard ears should be inspected regularly and cleaned if necessary.

The education of the beagles requires the owners of a certain experience: if you persistently do not accustom the beagle to the rightbehavior, he will behave as he pleases, because these dogs are known for their stubbornness. For example, quite often during a walk the beagle can "play", run away from the owner. If the beagle is not accustomed to the place in advance, then the master's sofa or the master's bed will become the place for the dog, which she chooses for herself.

Some cynologists believe that the beagleit is almost impossible to teach obedience, and therefore it is better for novice dog breeders to prefer another breed, if they are not sure that they can correctly put themselves and prove the beagle, who is the master in the house.

Beagles are valued for their openness, cheerful nature, kindness. These are dogs that get along very well with children, like to play. Although bigles are considered to be hunting dogs, today they are usually kept as companion dogs.

The contents of dogs beagle suitable for active people who as arest prefer to walk in the fresh air, ride a bike. But people who consider watching TV as the best type of sitting, sitting on a soft sofa, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​having a beagle: the dog will simply "wither away" from lack of movement.

Breed of beagle dogs
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