Husky dog ​​breed
Siberian Husky or, as they often say, just husky - a popularin our days a breed of dogs. Husks are smart, kind and very beautiful - this determines their current role as companion dogs, as well as exhibition dogs. More about what constitutes Husky dog ​​breed, tells the Land of Soviets.

The Siberian Husky was bred by the northern tribes as a sled dog: Husky used to transport small loads for a relatively short distance. The Siberian husky lived right along with the man, and therefore their character is very meek, non-aggressive.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Siberian Husky breed almost completely disappeared. The fact is that when registeringnorthern breeds of dogs in the USSR, Siberian husky were not included in it, because they were not large enough to transport heavy loads. This led to the fact that by the 1940s there were almost no dogs of this breed, and only thanks to several people who had taken Siberian husks to the USA to participate in the Alaskan races, these Chukchi sled dogs were preserved.

Today, representatives of the Siberian Husky breed are divided into 3 groups: workers, racing and exhibition dogs. Working husks are the rarest, they still retained most of the qualities,Characteristic of the very first bred dogs of this breed. Working husks do not differ in beautiful exterior and high speed, but they are incredibly hardy. In our time there is no "real" work for the Husky, and a kind of work for these dogs is participation in harnesses, which tourists ride.

Racing Husky move quickly, from workers differ shorter fur. In each cattery, the owners themselves determine,what qualities of racing husky for them is more important. So, if Husky participate in races in teams of 2-4 dogs, then they should be large enough, and for racing in teams of 6 or more dogs, Huskies will be smaller.

Exhibition dogs are the most beautiful Husky, they are very elegant. Exhibition Husky distinguishes from other groups of shortened muzzle - it is she who gives the dogs a pretty outerview. It's true that this exteriors feature makes Siberian Siberian husky more vulnerable to cold: the dog's inhospitable frosty air does not have time to warm up properly and the dog can get sick.

The breed of Husky dogs these days suitable even for apartment contents. These dogs get along well with children, areplayful, friendly. Due to the nature of the nature of the Husky breed, neither watchdog nor security, nor service, nor hunting dogs are obtained from them. Best husky fit for the role of companion dogs.

Husky require constant motor activity, but because they need to walk a lot. Useful for these dogs are outdoor games, for example, frisbee. The Siberian Husky also needs "gymnastics for the mind", and therefore they should regularly conduct obedience classes.

Caring for the breed of Husky dogs is pretty simple. From nature, husks are clean, their wool and skindo not have an unpleasant smell. At an apartment maintenance molting of a husky is expressed a little, therefore the wool does not demand special leaving: it is enough only to comb the undercoat of a dog to facilitate the molting process.

Nutrition of the Husky breed dogs is important. Siberian Husky, like many other northernbreeds, needs an increased content of proteins and fats in their diet, and therefore feed, whether ready or home, must necessarily fill all the needs of huskies in these nutrients. It should be remembered that representatives of the Husky breed mixed food is contraindicated, and therefore immediately it is necessary to decide whether the dog will have store fodder or home food.

With natural feeding as a source of protein for dogs Husky good beef, you can also give rabbit, chicken,turkey. It is not very often possible to give offal: liver, heart, kidneys. A fish for Husky is useful, but it must be cleaned from bones, extremely fresh.

If meat and meat products are to bethe diet of the husky is 60-70%, then 20-30% should account for vegetable food. You can give husky boiled vegetables, such as pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, carrots. Periodically, you can give dogs of this breed also porridge and sour-milk products.

Siberian Husky Is a loyal and devoted friend who, withpleasure will give his love to caring owners. If you decide to have Huskies, try to observe all the basic rules of keeping this breed, and your pet will live a long, happy life.

Husky dog ​​breed
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