Breeds of dogs: coarse dachshund
Coated Dachshund - one of the three varieties of dachshunds depending on the wool (the other two are the short-haired (smooth-haired) and long-haired dachshund). Let's talk about this kind of dachshund.
A coarse dachshund, like the other two species of this breed of dog, can be of three sizes depending on the circumference of the chest: in standard dachshunds it is more than 35 cm, in miniature - 30-35 cm, in rabbit - less than 30 cm.
Dachshund Dachshund - the youngest variety of dachshunds, presumably it was inferred bycrossbreed smooth-haired dachshund with some breeds of terriers. Rigid fur is an ideal coat for a normal hunting dog, it perfectly protects the dachshund from unfavorable weather conditions, dirt and teeth of predators.
The coarse dachshunds were pets of many famous people. A haired dachshund named Ryan was the favorite of General Patton, and Kaiser Wilhelm II, for example, had two wire-haired dachshunds - Vadl and Hexl. His favorites once managed to even callinternational scandal: during a semi-official visit to the summer residence of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, Hexl and Vadl decided to catch and take away one of the golden pheasant crown prince.
And all because dachshunds - hunting dogs, and even if they containdecorative dogs, hunting instincts will still prevail from time to time. So if you decide that your pet should certainly become a hairless dachshund, please note that it requires physical activity: long walks and active games. Only Do not let your dachshund jump from a height: this breed of dog has a weak backbone, and it is very easy to damage when it is jumped.
Coated dachshund, like the restvariety of dachshunds, distinguished by a lively temperament, friendly character, curiosity and cunning, bravery and a pronounced sense of self-worth. She quickly becomes attached to the master and gives a good training, if not postponed with the beginning of training, and start it at an early age. It is believed that the temperament of the wire-haired dachshunds is more balanced in comparison with other varieties.
All fees look amusing, buta short-haired dachshund, perhaps, can claim the palm tree of the category "unusual appearance" among the dachshunds. To the usual for all dachshunds crooked legs and stretched body adds unusual wool. In wire-haired dachshunds, a straight, thick, stiff coat about three centimeters long, close to the body, the undercoat is well developed. On the muzzle, stiff bristly hair forms dense brows, a mustache, and a beard.
Thanks to its structure, the wool is practically not spoiled, it perfectly justifies itself in our climate during walks in the cold season. Care for such hair will not give you much trouble, it consists in the regular combing of the woolbrush or comb. Also, periodic trimming is necessary (removal of dead hairs). If you do not know how to trim yourself, it is better to contact a specialist who will perform this procedure quickly and with minimal discomfort for your dog.
A coarse dachshund can be of different colors. Color dachshunds are monochrome and bicolor, and there are also marble, brindle and spotted colors. The most valuable color is a dark red.
We have a short-haired dachshund so far not as widespread as the long-haired and short-haired varieties of this breed, but it has all the prerequisites for popularity. Characteristic to all fees, the good-natured and lively nature is combined in it with ease in care and a touching appearance (which only have a beard and a mustache similar to a brush, at the sight of which it is difficult to resist a smile).