Euthanasia of animals
Someone thinks euthanasia of animals savagery and animosity, and someone - in a humane way to save the animal from suffering. Which of them is right? How justified is the practice of euthanasia?

Sleeping animals can be attributed to euthanasia. From Greek euthanasia is translated as "easydeath "and means the practice of painless cessation of life in the event that a person (an animal) suffers from an incurable disease and experiences unbearable suffering.

Sleeping animals must obey two basic requirements. First, death must be easy andpainless. Secondly, it should only be applied if there is no other way out of the situation, thus, euthanasia of animals is an extreme measure.

What are the main indications for the lulling of animals? To euthanasia resorted only in the case when there is no other way to save the animal from suffering. Such cases are fataldiseases or injuries, in which the animal experiences severe suffering, but there is no chance of a cure. This, for example, cancer, spinal injuries. Refrain is also rabies, not only because this disease is incurable, but also because a rabid dog poses a threat to others.

Also put to sleep old animals, which have already begun to refuse the basic functions of the body, internal organs. I.e Age in itself is not an indication for sleep. Humane euthanasia of old animals is possible only if the animal suffers and can not lead a normal life.

Now let's talk about the second mandatory requirement - painlessness. Usually the animals are put to sleep in twostage. First, the veterinarian injects the drug for anesthesia. Only after the animal has plunged into a deep sleep, during which it will not be able to experience any painful sensations, is the second drug punctured, which leads to the cessation of breathing and cardiac activity. As a result, the animal before death does not feel anything at all.

Sleeping animals has a bad reputation because of irresponsible masters and careless veterinarians. Unfortunately, there are people who euthanize theirpets only because they feel sorry for spending money on their treatment. Or even worse - just because the pet is bored with them. And there are veterinarians who perform the procedure of putting to sleep pets, without making sure that there is really no other way out. There are even doctors who ignore the first stage of euthanasia or use banned drugs for euthanasia, as a result, death is not painless.

When planting a pet, you must remember that you are fully responsible for it. The phrase "you are responsible for those who have tamed" isnot another commonplace, it's the truth of life. The pet does not always bring us only joy: like any other creature, he can get sick, and the treatment will most likely cost a lot. To this you need to be ready.

If you turned to the veterinarian and he strongly recommends that you put to sleep, without even trying to prescribe treatment, turn around and leave. If your animal is sick, consultseveral doctors, try all the proposed methods of treatment, fight to the very end. And only if nothing helps, and the animal experiences severe pain, only in this case, having weighed all the pros and cons, one can make a decision about the lulling.

Very responsibly approach the choice of the clinic, whose services you will use. Be sure to make sure they use a preliminary anesthesia: the rejection of a preliminary anesthesia makes humane painless euthanasia in cold blooded murder.

In itself, the euthanasia of animals is not inhumane: there are cases when painless death is the only way out of painful suffering, and it is more humane to lull the animal than to allow it to suffer.

However, the problem is that some owners evenDo not try to fight for the life of a pet, but go along the path of least resistance, while unscrupulous veterinarians help them in this. So if your animal, God forbid, gets sick, It is necessary to fight to the last for its salvation, and to put to sleep only if there is really no other way out.

Euthanasia of animals
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