How to celebrate February 23 at work - tips and quick delicious recipes

On this day, you can make such a surprise: come early to the office and leave on the desktop every man's fish and a bottle of beer, or a bottle of skate and chocolate. You can also decorate the office with balls, hearts with different wishes and prepare men's holiday snacks. In general, there are a lot of ideas, so we'll sort them out in order.

Scenario on February 23 at work

If you have friends who understandprograms Paint and Photoshop, then with their help you can make a corporate collage with photos and funny inscriptions. Or edit a video about men from your team. Another idea is to test men for military suitability. It will be a kind of military registration and enlistment office where colleagues will be able to prove themselves through various competitions.

How to celebrate February 23 at work - tips and quick delicious recipes

Recipes in haste for February 23

Lentil patties with sauce "salsa"

How to celebrate on February 23 at work - lentil patties with salsa sauce hastily

Necessary ingredients:

  • red lentils - 150 g

  • onions - 1 pc

  • tomatoes - 2 pcs

  • eggplant - 1 pc

  • greens - bunch

  • bread crumbs - 50 g

  • garlic - 3 cloves

  • salt

For sauce:

    onions - 1 pc.

  • tomatoes - 3 pcs

  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs

  • garlic - 3 cloves

  • chili pepper - 1 pc

  • salt, pepper, coriander


  1. lentils are washed and boiled. Red brews very quickly for about 20 minutes. Drain and lay aside.

  2. Vegetables are peeled and finely chopped. On the heated frying pan fry the onion, eggplant and garlic. When they become soft, add tomatoes and stew for 5 minutes;

  3. into the blender we cover with lentils, stewed vegetables andchopped greenery, crushed. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed, we add salt, pepper and with wet hands we form cutlets. We drop them in breadcrumbs and fry until golden brown. Ready cutlets spread on a paper towel - it absorbs excess oil;

  4. We prepare sauce "salsa": fry onions, garlic, tomatoes and bell peppers. In the end, season with salt, chili and dried coriander. We serve with lentil patties.

"Light salad with spinach"

How to celebrate on February 23 at work - a salad with vegetables and spinach in a hurry

You will need:

  • spinach - bundle

  • cherry tomatoes - a branch

  • soft cheese - 200 g

  • garlic - 2 cloves

  • olives Kalamata - 100 g

  • dill - 3 sprigs

  • oregano dried - 1 tbsp. l.

  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. tomatoes are washed, dried and cleaned in the oven for 15 minutes, at the highest degree. So, they will bake faster and be ready;

  2. spinach is also mine and dried on a napkin, then laid out on plates;

  3. mix soft cheese, salt and chopped dill. The resulting paste is laid out with pieces on spinach leaves;

  4. we check the tomatoes: if the skin has burst, then sprinkle them with salt, oregano and sprinkle with olive oil. We send back to the oven for 5 minutes;

  5. further, we shift the tomatoes and olives to plates and water the dressing;

  6. for refueling: in a cup mix olive oil, salt, a little oregano and crushed garlic, let the dressing stand, and mix with the salad.

See also these recipes:

  • Meat in sweet and sour sauce on February 23;

  • Original cake on February 23.

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