Roller blinds on windows

Beautiful roller blinds in modern design represent a dense monophonic or patterned window fabric, which, if necessary, easily folds into a compact roll.

Roller blinds, like blinds, will protect the room from the bright rays of the sun, fence your privacy away from outsiders and at the same time they are a variant of the decor.

There are several ways to decorate the interioruseful and pleasing to the eye element: buy a finished product in a specialized store, order a favorite model in an online store or hire a master. But the most interesting and economical way is to sew yourself. Those who think that it is very difficult - are mistaken. The design and fasteners are no more complex than, for example, the installation of a curtain.

Roller blinds on windows

We select fabric for the roller curtains

Correctly choose the fabric for tailoring roll curtains will help the presence of artistic taste, as well as knowledge of the basic rules for combining colors and textures:

  • Rule of contrast: colorful bright colors are suitable for rooms with monophonic wallpaper - they will revive the boring design, and vice versa - if the wallpaper is variegated, then it is better to combine them with the uniform color of the curtains. In any case, they should be either lighter or darker than the walls.

  • The rule of repetition: you can do otherwise - find a drawing that is closest to the patterns on the upholstery of the room or repeat the tone of the furniture.

  • Geography rule: windows that look to the north and east, require compensation for lack of sunlight due to warm, saturated and bright colors, respectively, in southern windows, light cool tones compensate for its excess.

Heavy dense fabrics perfectly fit into the strict classical setting of a spacious room, while a small room is decorated with semi-transparent curtains made of organza.

Cross horizontal strips visually expand the room, vertical - increase the height of the ceilings.

Roller blinds on windows

Color solutions when choosing a cloth:

  • White or close to it light gray - a universal option, fit the color of any wallpaper. Able to modestly emphasize the purity, visually expand the room, disperse the bright sunlight.

  • Yellow - an ideal color for northern windows, combined with shades of green, white and blue. Decorate the nursery, the kitchen, visually expand the room.

  • Beige - a relatively neutral natural color, is used mainly in interiors, kept in quiet noble tones.

  • Bordovy is the color of wealth and passion, full of weighting color, looks good in classical conditions in combination with white and golden.

  • Green - close to nature, and therefore perfectly charged, ideal for living room, bedroom and children's room.

  • Blue - cool calming shade, will bring ease into the interior.

  • Brown is a universal color of stability and rigor. Suitable for offices, bedrooms, kitchen.

We look at the photo of the ready-made roller blinds

Photo of ready-made roller blinds of all colors and varieties:

Roller blinds on windows Roller blinds on windows Roller blinds on windows Roller blinds on windows

We understand how to make roller blinds

After determining the choice of fabric, you need to make measurements of future curtains, calculate the amount of material. For full-fledged work, you should purchase:

  • two canvases made according to the drawing - for the front side and purl, the same or different - a matter of taste;

  • A strap or tube of metal along the width of the edge for weighting;

  • furniture stapler and paper clips, a set of tools for sewing;

  • decorative cords;

  • fabric tapes with plastic rings;

  • screwed hook for fastening the cord in a raised state;

  • screwdriver and screws, or screw-in hooks.

If the fastening is carried out in the opening of the window, respectively, the width and length of the opening are measured and a few more centimeters are added to the allowance.

Before starting to manufacture a roller blind inat home, it's better to preview the video, which shows a master class on how to make roller blinds. Next, to learn how to properly make it to measure and mount the fasteners.

Do it yourself with a roll blind


  1. Spread out the fabric and cut, sew the cloths on both sides and a special pocket to install the weighting agent, the second pocket - for the eaves.

  2. To the upper edge of the curtains, sewn ribbons with rings should be sewn, so that they are located at a distance of 20 cm from the edges.

  3. Wrap the bar with a cloth and secure it with a stapler, hooks or zipper, if we are dealing with a metal bar, we must sew it up. It will be a tree.

  4. To fasten above the window opening the devices for the cornice are hooks, observing the level of installation along the vertical and horizontal lines.

  5. Attach straps to the bar from both sides. If a method of fixing with a side cord is supposed, then they should be several times longer than the curtain and pass through the window through hooks and rings.

Now try to pull the side cord - the fabric should be evenly wound on the bar and open the view from the window.

Roller blinds on windows

Another option is Roman blinds. The lifting mechanism assumes the formation of neat horizontal folds. To make them independently is entirely within the forces of a beginner seamstress.

Methods of independent production of suchdesigns set. It is not necessary that they be fabric, you can try to experiment and make paper blinds and curtains from paper. It is very easy to manufacture them, in addition, the price of such a product will be minimal.

Roller blinds on windows

For the verandas and balconies there are external variants of the roller blind.

We fasten the roller blind to the plastic window

Roller blinds on windows

Roller blinds on the plastic windows look very neat and stylish. To install such a decor, the experienced hands of the master will be required.

But for those who are eager to installroller blinds on plastic windows without drilling, we have prepared a special video, which shows in detail how to attach the structure to Velcro:

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